
No worries. It was un-Canadian of me to correct you in public. I’m sorry.

As a Christian I never understood this view point myself for many reasons.

We haven’t given freedom away, we’ve (as a society)begun to value it over the responsibility that’s supposed to go with it.

Since the movie came out everybody claimed the death star weakness was stupid. Why would they make such a design flaw. Why wouldnt they cover the exhaust port or make it with a form nobody could shoot through it. This has bothered Many and been used to mock star wars for its nonsense.


More likely that 20 years from now, it will be utterly forgotten.

“In fact 2016s Ben Hur didn’t include a single simulated live action dismemberment. Theaters at the time weren’t generally equipped with a the now standard 6 foot viscera splash zone or even a part time cybernetic victim pool. A classic of a bygone era for sure.”

—- Zeta 14b1 Mark 2 , LUNAR CITY Entertainment News

The silent film Ben-Hur adaption was basically an action film by the standards of the era, so why the hell not.