Mr Smith

Han Solidarity  

Next time: Mel Brooks’ raunchy, anarchic bash Blazing Saddles gleefully eviscerates two American traditions, the Western and racism”

No, thank you- and Kelly!

I recently moved to the UK. I think it’s very important to note that the British public and the British press do not necessarily have the same opinion about Meghan. I’ve only heard one person display dislike of her and that one person was sort of in the demographic of the typical Daily Mail reader (old, white,

I … I don’t understand...
- dude makes anti-Semitic jokes
- dude gets shit for it, rightfully
- dude says he’s going to donate to ADL as a way to take responsibility
- some idiots on the internet don’t like this
- he decides not to donate to them, as a way to... take responsibility??

I feel like I’m missing a piece of logic

Now playing

Frank Oz is a goddamn national treasure and his performances are - and I don’t think this is hyperbolic - transcendental.

I firmly believe that all movies should be between 90 and 120 minutes, maybe slightly more given for weighty subject matter. My attention span (and my ass, assuming I’m seeing it in the theater) can’t handle more than that.

Your Highness Qiaobiluo ended up getting an outpouring of support after the incident, racking up well over half a million followers and becoming the most-searched streamer on DouYu.

This is a great review, Katie. I’m even more psyched to see this than I was previously.

I respect this womans hustle. She is click bait incarnate and she is making bank of it now.

Yeah, the absence of Europa Report on the list struck me as well.  

No Europa Report or Creep?

Thank you SnotHouse!

Just wanted to say this is really outstanding reporting. I love reading in-depth reports like this and hope we continue to see more in the future here. I know these types of articles are a lot more expensive, time-consuming, and probably not as well-read as some other content, but this is what I come to this site for.

Ross - Iron Man

Peggy Carter taking the Super Soldier serum shouldn’t do much.

Finally, he was from at least an upper-middle class family and the idea that as an adult he would be facing eviction from a shitty apartment just doesn’t sound believable.”

Fuck off

Damn I had the biggest crush on Brian Molko back then

I actually love Alien 3. It can’t hold a candle to its predecessors, true, but Alien and Aliens are the high water mark for sci-fi horror and sci-fi action movies, period. Tough acts to follow.