Mr Smith

They missed the real headline on this: Low Settings turn Cyberpunk into FMV game.

Update: Dad came through.

I’m with you! One of the things I hate the most about American politics is how all-important the Constitution is in lawmaking.

Yeah, I actually enjoyed Freelancer quite a bit. Was it everything that was promised? Not in the slightest. But it was an astonishingly robust “open world”, if you will, with some pretty damn tight gameplay for something released twenty years ago.

Freelancer is my favorite space sim, and I am thankful to the team at Digital Anvil and MS that made the game happen without their insane overlord. Personally, I still find it to do things no game ever has since- like perfecting space combat, turrets, and a great travel system.
I’m sad I’ll never get a sequel. 

Could you do Pandemic’s deal with the Outbreak cards and make 5 piles of the event deck, and shuffle one card in each, then stack them up?  So you know the game will run most of the way through the deck but not know the exact timing?

Yeah, he says that like it's a bad thing.

So we are showing up there Monday morning and demanding a tour, right?

By far the thing I liked least about XCom (though definitely not the only one) was the big, sprawling levels with random monsters popping up. Who thinks exploration is fun in a turn based game with multiple characters? Ugh.

This actually sounds right up my alley - XCOM By way of the new(ish) Shadowrun games and Mass Effect or something.

In short: there aren’t real heroes in war. Or rather, the real heroes are the ones fighting for their (and their loved ones’) lives, not the ones calling the shots.

This has absolutely no bearing on my life whatsoever and yet I am also pissed off by all of this. Good for Meghan and Harry, screw the tabloids, and the rest of the royals too for doing fuck-all about any of this. Even William couldn’t be bothered to stand up for his sister-in-law despite Harry defending Kate.

wow.  that’s pretty blatant.  The flower one blaming her for trying to poison a child, then noting in an aside that Kate used the same flowers, was pretty amazing.

A pregnant waitress already got more than the tip.

Or just get a stationary bike and watch the Doctor Who serial “The Curse of Peladon,” one of the best third doctor stories! 

I’ve seen the Fast and the Furious 9 (“The Finest of the Furious”).

After all, “A rendezvous in space isn’t as easy as just pointing and thrusting.”

Eh. She’s 30. She’s playing with her identity and I get it. And if it allows her to dissect this and explore what it means to her a bit more, that’s fine. She’s not saying “everyone must call it this from now until forever,” she’s saying, “this is what I call it in my head.” Fine. In my head, I call jellyfish “seal

If you look up the history of spinsters, they were actually highly paid independent women. I aspire to be a spinster.

I prefer ‘spinster’, myself.