Mr Smith

Wow was this a missed opportunity. The voice of Kitt from Night Ridder, Jarvis from the Iron Man movies, The Voice from the computer on Star Trek, there are about a hundred iconic voices from Sci fi and pop culture and millions that would buy androids just for this feature alone. Because who wouldn’t want Optimus

Since my comment will be in the greys I’m relying on you to bring it to light.

We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.


Money is one hell of a drug.

Heh. Recently, I hit this annoying roadblock just discussing a possible campaign. Our almost monthly, 8 person D&D game came to a halt a little while back because the DM is now raising his spawn.

Spontaneous flower debris generation suggests perhaps a bit of fey ancestry, which could be a totally fun way to work the player’s backstory into the campaign. I’d look into allowing her to take certain character options if she wants to play that up/develop it further.

This one by Jamie Oliver was my favourite:

I didn’t even know the Netflix thing was a joke. I just thought it was a comedy special or something (granted, I did not watch the video or read the info).

I feel no shame in saying I had to look up ‘slewfoot’ and now it’s my new favorite word. Bless you for that!

I like the reminders.

This is a fart-sniffery kind of way to say the episode where this happens:

Nog: (trying to tag the runner): What do I do?

Was a lot of fun.

Fun fact. The dude who played Rom was a minor league baseball player and — by far - the most skilled actor there. He had to work to pretend to suck.


A minor tax (like one gold for a person and 10g per person for a boat) wouldn’t be so bad, and they could put it all into a pot for a weekly raid to rob the Ferryman as he crosses the world? It’d add more content, that’s for sure

I think that annoys me most about all of these adaptations and reboots we’re getting these days are these adaptations and reboots that take the basic premise of the original story they’re adapting, look it, laugh derisively and smugly announce “Seriously? You think we’re just going to adapt this classic time-worn