Mr Smith
Now playing

I’m using this post as an excuse to drop my favorite Minchin video.

This looks like it’s straight out of a Bond movie.

Lol Range Rover guy gets into this article because it’s amazing his car actually worked.

I’m just gonna say what we’re all thinking:

I’m just gonna say what we’re all thinking:

Fantasy Necrons! :P

jiggling your gigi, screaming mimi, flouring your biscuit...

The circle-hexagon thing in the middle of the rear of TIEs are solar ionization reactors, not engines, and it’s a constant mistake made by SW fan artists. Their engines are the pair tiny red dots to either side. TIE = twin ion engine. Nonetheless it is great art.

They’re the new Simpsons quotes.

“But the main thing is the city didn’t ask us to become a shelter then.”
