
Yes. Just got notice on the expanded recall that our 2007 Honda CRV is now included..... Along with a note that said don’t call us, we’ll call you. No timeline for when parts would be available.

Heck, from the Gizmodo article and the studies description page, all I can say is that they have proven that men who post a lot of selfies, and who take on-line surveys, tend to score high on psychopathy markers.

Make a script file that changes the hosts file so everything resolves to Tie the script to an icon on the desktop in the form of a red button “Delete the Internet”. Then set it to run whenever the user clicks on it.

No, it really isn’t. As stated in the article, window cleaner was swapped for alcohol. You think window cleaner is booze? Even real alcohol, distilled improperly, could lead to blindness or death. Humans metabolize methyl alcohol very poorly.

Why does it have to be sent in the clear? This is exactly what public key encription is for.

FCAA -> Fiat Chrysler Apple Automobiles or Fiat Chrysler Alphabet Automobiles

I like Ready, Set, Go.

“Eeemmergaaancy iiinduuctiooon pooort.”

With 22 years in retail, I cannot give you enough stars. We would lose business to the competition because we didn’t have product, only to be told we were being kept low on stock to increase “turns”.

It’s not a worry because the story doesn’t reference gaming/pop culture today. It’s about pop culture in the 80's and 90's. I think he can do 80's and 90's no problem.

Went into the local (Ocala, FL) Honda dealership for ATF and a compression washer 3 weeks ago. They have a coffee/sandwich shop in the maintenance/parts waiting area. Looked to be fairly good eats but as I was just getting supplies I didn’t sample anything.

Oh yeah, that’s why we have canines. For spearing open squash./s Our molars are not shaped like those of most ruminants. They are a compromise between a grinding molar and a carnissal molar for shearing meat.

Bullshit. Clinical studies have proven that vegan is often unhealthy. There are a couple of proteins that humans need and do not get from plant sources. Vegans have to be very careful in their dietary planning or take supplements in order to make up for this shortfall in their diets. Nutritionists are taught to look

Why the hell does it have turn signals? Is Bruce trying to tone down his “Vigilante” image by making the Batmobile road legal?

Oh, so your “in” the industry of breaking into peoples phones.

To carry on your analogy of a locked house.... just how hard do you think it is for a criminal to get into your house? Not very. And phones these days often have more than dick picks on them. They have access to our credit cards, personal data, and access keys to all of our other data and accounts. Digital data, by

Mr. Jones, we will be able to give you a better rate on your insurance as soon as we have confirmation that you have upgraded to V3.13.02 or newer version of your autonomous driver software.

Now playing

This video is about network TV not games but it is still timely and prescient.

No, not really??? Why that question????

What if Kylo ends up being the good guy? He’s in a bad place and making sacrifices because he knows the reach, power and evil of Snoke. Kylo knows he’s doomed because even if he proves himself trustworthy to Snoke and gets close enough to strike him down he will never get a happy ending. Kylo is hanging onto the idea