
Don’t be afraid to ask the following questions:

Life mimicking art.

Not really. Solar output is about 1400 watts per square meter. That’s full sun. Even with 50% efficient panels (well above industry standard) you are going to get less than 5K watts going into your batteries. On a Tesla 70D that would mean 14 hours of full sunlight.

I got the chance to cooperate in a April Fool’s joke this year. Bella Chartrand from the Utopia reality show had me do a photo-shoot with her like she was getting married. I put together some photo collages for her to put on social media. These are sample pics. The bigger files are on my deviant art page.

Maybe it's just me, but this looks like it should be the villains attack craft in a Bond movie.

Not just Christians... or have you missed all the news from the middle east? Islamic fundamentalists are WAY more conservative than most "hardcore" Christians, especially when it comes to female sexuality. Even the hardline Jewish are ultra conservative.

This trick won't tell always tell you if a place is bad (from auto dealer to fast food joint), but if the place fails this test - it is bad.

I think that may be one of the most profound statements I've ever read.

Happy to see this release for another reason besides République being available to play on non-mobile hardware.

I know I'm gonna get shit for this because he seems to be the popular whipping boy lately but my vote goes to Brian Williams.

Ryusuzaku has the right of it. The problem with barefoot shoes is not the idea but rather the implementation.

"Three More Classic Star Wars Games Are Getting Digital Releases"

You Sir are an Evil, Evil person.

Do you use a polarizer to cut the glare? Or do you go without one because glare is good in car photos. (shiney!)

Yeah, but that's the point. Time and money for the court case vs some undefined amount of money from a loser that may not have much money.

Unfortunately, in these cases it is usually not worth the civil suit. They likely do not/will not have the money to make it worth hiring a lawyer.

Yes, it's only 30Hz - I own one. It matters less than you think.

Yeah, I was just wondering if Jezebel was going to announce a sub-blog called Adequate Woman.

I just walk around the truck/car rental before and after and take photos on my phone. They are geo/time stamped automatically. I also get the interior and the mileage reading.