
Adam, LeVar Burton recently had his successful relaunch of Reading Rainbow to bring it to classrooms to help reading literacy. Any chance we could see something like that as a classroom helper to help promote science literacy?

The high end model comes with a Fusion drive at 1TB. There has to be an extra connector in there somewhere for the high end model. It likely isn't SATA. Apple has moved to PCIe SSD in the M2 format.

I sit corrected Sir. Seems that the only thing that PNG lacks for Photogs is EXIF data and layers.

The correct answer to Ginger or Maryanne? is: Yes.

We don't need them as long as we have Angelina.

We don't need them as long as we have Angelina.

Any Magic sufficiently analyzed is indistinguishable from technology.

Shipstone energy storage cells. Come in all sizes. Can power flashlights to ships.

Shipstone energy storage cells. Come in all sizes. Can power flashlights to ships.

Boo! Your missing the easiest one.

Actually I think this is a non issue if you think out of the box a little bit.

Damn, that's a huge change. I could actually see someone in Hollywood using Minecraft for pre-viz and shot establishment. Hell, you could even do a quick architectural walk-through.

One of the few times the following may actually be true:

Aren't you dead?

PNG is still compressed and has less image data. Like JPEG it is still a "lossy" compression format. RAW is uncompressed. If you are a pro who is going to manipulate the image later (very likely) RAW will let you do so without generational lossy degradation.

LM has given some details, and they are fairly interesting.

I don't think the Jedi will have any problems accepting aliens at all. jedichurch.org

Battlestar Galactica: S01E01, 33.

He could make a nuclear accelerator that fit as a backpack. What if Egon had filed patents?

How about Fan Fiction? Melaradark, JBern, Jeconas, Rorschach's Blot, Tigerman, nonjon.... just a handfull and just ones that I remember off the top of my head.

This should be able to be fixed with a Bluetooth 4.0 dongle. It may not be Apple approved but someone will figure out the kexts needed to make Yosemite think the hardware is native.