yeah do play it but its pretty bland and repetitive.
yeah do play it but its pretty bland and repetitive.
now what have you learned about leaking unannounced major projects in order to draw attention to yourselves? I mean we’re talking about video game journalism and not Watergate its basically a step away from long form advertising.
damn whats your problem blackie chill the hell out
yeah Nintendo was always trying to make their game icons into cards and sneak them past us in Mario 2 or 3 I couldn’t skip it fast enough. yknow they started as a playing card company coincidentally *strokes beard thoughtfully*
I think the worst part is the scary robot. really thanks for demoing that for us i’ll know to stay far far away from the single player of black ops 3 if I didn’t already lol #yikes.
well then we’d have to charge you for the champions and it would be too much per champion assuming some kind of rat wheel in game earned currency mechanic because there are only 20. cs go is of course a remake of an old franchise that was a mod to begin with so uh its not a lot like cs go. you were supposed to pay for…
I was really impressed they had actually charted a single that late in their career. can you believe curb your enthusiasm did a whole fucking episode revolving around that filth factory? bleech!
going after pinkerton really the things I like are becoming so outdated and unfashionable you’ve even got the pc police going all in on the weez lighten up jesus. no interest at all in role reversal type sex dynamic or get lazy and gross and have women give you things just like you deserve perfect type statements the…
nothing I hate more than times when I absolutely have to be awake for something just knocks me out.
how did the guy hiding on the right of the picture get so close to that electronic toned pheasant if its not in a cage though.
everybody in the stadium wanted him to finish the game, its safe to say looking back it was the wrong call and optimally they would have given familia the clean slate 9th inning to work with and all that. you cant ignore matt harvey stayed in and couldn’t pitch no good and they lost control of the game with multiple…
they got out of it just needed a competent throw from first to home is what I noticed.
very much the words of a person who hasn’t seen mr mom. also I don’t know how much youre undertaking to defend cleaning for the maid which outside of arranging the place and picking up any garbage on the floor we are doing to maintain appearances for the maid which I mean isn’t that kind of a flawed concept?
its pretty enjoyable I'm not head over heels for it personally
wow it sounds bad ass
I don't get it this is retarded
looks like he didn’t like that pass and he clipped his rear is that what we’re asking. pretty common if you actually watch these things. my question is when and why did they stop pushing each other around the track that was goddamn hilarious can they keep doing it every so often please.
chump change for these guys he makes $556 taking a nap
oh I see the problem youre having albert is decades of pointing out a few narrative imperfections have lead you to believe the original star wars trilogy was some kind of sub par effort rather than the most entertaining material American cinema has to offer. we can assume the new star wars will be garbage because they…
why they don’t just speedrun the whole game is beyond me especially with smb the warp record ought to be secondary.