
Victim blaming is the only term to use here. Victim blaming is a logical fallacy that follows from the Just-World fallacy. It's EXACTLY the same fallacy that causes otherwise good folk to suggest that woman are asking for it with their skimpy clothes. It's a bias that we all have, and I would hope that folks on

The victim blaming is rampant in the comments here. Seriously, do you not see the hypocrisy in that? On Jezebel of all places. Ya'll should be ashamed of yourself. They hired a nanny and dared not to check with the state government to see if she was on the well-known (you knew about it, right) Vexatious Litigant

Clearly it was the victim's fault. Checking for serial litigiousness is at the top of my list when hiring a nanny.

It's because she's boring.

I made the drive from Chicago to Bakersfield, CA once (I've driven back from there three times). I took the "Southern" root through Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. I quickly left the plains and hit dried dusty lonely hot miserable desert and didn't leave it until I passed over the Sierra Nevadas. I

I've taken my two boys on multiple day car trips since they were born. They are great in the car. They've visited and learned about places that they otherwise would never get to see like the Erie Canal, Niagara Falls, Punxsutawney, Grand Marais, Gooseberry Falls, The Cumberland Gap, and Thunder Bay and it's Sleeping

Not only is it small, but the south end on 65 is actually really pretty. But yea... I always thought Indiana's motto was the worst. Followed closely by Ohio which is something like 'The state that is so damned boring people that were born here have actually figured out ways to leave the Earth"

I have driven through the entirety of Nebraska and Iowa multiple times. I have also been through Pennsylvania on I-80. Nebraska is just terrible. Pennsylvania has mountains at least. Nebraska has corn. You get excited when you get a quick view at the North Platte because it's the only thing besides road and corn that

Slut shaming is shaming a woman that dresses too provocatively or who dares to suggest that she actually like sex. These men aren't being shamed for being sluts, their being shamed for being creepy asshats, and personally, I'm all for creepy-asshat-shaming.

I have that jacket in the big picture, but in blue. It is kick ass and anyone that says otherwise is a dirty fool.

Stop being so damned sensitive.

According to the BJS in 2008 homocide by handgun was at a 30 year low. Again, I'm not a gun advocate and I can't think of a good reason why anyone should be allowed to own a handgun. I think it's a bit odd though when parents are worried about the safety of their kids, but spend that worry on situations that,

So many parents on my facebook feed are worried about their kid getting gunned down at school, and yet school violence that leads to death is down from the height in the early 90s. I don't recall hearing about the 57 deaths in 1990 or the 53 deaths in 1994. Furthermore, violent crime is as low as it was in the 60s,

Jesus Lilly Helen Bonham Christ they couldn't even get the Menz right. We need boobs too. Fart Jokes, Explosions, and Boobz. Seriously... Also: Not all men. <drops the mic>

I have, many times and I'm ashamed by it. Today I consider myself a feminist, anti-racist, pro-LGBT, and what-have-you. I grew up in the 80s and 90s where you didn't say the N-word, but it was completely okay to call someone a "fag" or a "retard". To this day, many of these derogatory terms bubble up from the depths

What he said was disgusting and hateful, but his apology seems to be sincere. I can understand how it happened too. If you used these words as insults for years in your youth, they have a terrible way of hanging around in your head. When anger overtakes you, sometimes these awful things come up from the past and find

Wont someone think of the men, cuz not all men. There, fellow men, I did it for you you can go on now. Dipshits.

Crappy Jobs Are Still Worth Doing Well

I work with HR data as my main job. I'm always worried that I'll have a background window open that might have some sensitive data on it. This will come in handy.

It's funny. It's almost like there isn't anything specific to what rich people will buy. Like they only buy things that they think other rich people might buy.