A cause for concern? That is concerning.. and creepy.
A cause for concern? That is concerning.. and creepy.
Ridiculous? I was thinking borderline creepy. Too much. Too quick. Get away from me.
It's disturbing that there is consensus with the police and school officials on this. I was the good kid in school too. Quiet and well-mannered. I kept to myself and got decent grades in math and science, and terrible grades in every other class. I also build a tiny BB crossbow out of a pen and rubberbands that would…
That's what I was thinking. This is a great student to have. Someone that is passionate about learning. It's the kids that are just sitting there not absorbing a damned thing that teachers should be concerned about.
So funny. We do the same thing in my family. The Lisas, The Pauls, The Beccas. It's much easier this way.
It's an asshat.
This is the Dodgeball Effect. It's why the quiet kid that plays defense the entire game is always one of the last two on the field. Unfortunately, he usually gets his ass handed to him at the very end. Second wasn't so bad.
Your logic:
Be a Leader, not a Follower. Chest Bump. YA!
Anyone that makes the ignorant and foolish choice to not vaccinate their child deserves ridicule. It is, in fact, a ridiculous and dangerous choice. You are putting your child's life at risk and risking the lives of children around them. These people deserve to be pointed to and laughed at. And.. Not supportive of…
Wow. Dead on! P.S. Buy used.
Totally agree. I was helped through Twitter last year when I was trying to get their xfinity app working. They had to do something technical on their side on my account. They responded quickly via DM and solved the problem within a few minutes.
Surely I'm not the only one who things Pheed sounds too much like Thneed.
Raspbmc on two TVs and the third to host files on the network.
Poe's law in action.
From Article: "Pogs and public health officials are starting to worry the retro trend owes itself to the fact that an awful lot of parents are opting out of immunizations for their children"
When I attempt to translate (through translate.google.com) www.aljazeera.net/portal it comes up as hacked. Those poor aljazeera folks must be scrambling right now.
And now the .net is redirecting to "www.aljazeera.net/portal" and the .com still looks fine for me. Magic intertube tricker, I imagine.