Personally, I say — "I'd be happy to discuss any competitive offer."

"I can work well with the team, provided they can work well with me."

But, fat positivity! This is just coded language intended to keep curvy women down.

Yes, I am serious. As a Chinese person, I knew that Chinese people have admired paler skin from before anyone in (what is now know as) China had ever set eyes on a white European. Are you a white person? It's not all about you, all the time. Not everyone wants to be you.

As a Chinese woman, I actually get waaay more creepy racial messages from Black and Hispanic men. The racial things that they say about Asian women make me sick. Their entitlement and assumptions are disgusting.

This has been my experience too. I don't know a single India-born, India-raised man who hasn't gotten angry and aggressive when rejected, and given off really creepy rapey vibes — thinking that they can put their hands on me immediately, etc. They also tend to have virgin/whore dichotomy mindsets.

I know a guy who supports abortion rights for women, but also the right of the man to not be involved in the child's life. That seems fair.

Don't professional male porn actors have to shave their genitalia too?

Exactly. So why even bring it up?

I'm a woman so I certainly do care if I have the ability to get eliminate an unwanted baby I might one day have.

Would you be OK with increased restrictions on abortion if every child had guaranteed healthcare and other basic needs provided, and at least a decent education? If not, then why even bring up the point?

How would you stop a fast shoplifter who you can't chase down and tackle? How many times would you be OK with him escaping with your stolen items?

Take night classes and get a comp sci degree, after which you'll make six figures as a junior developer.

Your point about men in games being oversexualized isn't really true, or is at least more nuanced, but more importantly — it's OK to sexualize women. We're sexy people. But you shouldn't write off the effect of extremely sexualized women in your work of art because it's "just a game."

Please tell me you're trolling. Look, I'm a woman working in game development, and I cannot stand her overly simplistic view on women in games. I absolutely support her right to publish her series without harassment — the response to her series is sickening and very telling about the state of the industry and its

This seriously put a smile on my face. There are so many good dogs waiting in shelters for someone to love them and give them a chance - even Chihuahuas, which personally I think are kind of funny looking.

Wow. Of course she's sad you won't go see her — she's your mother and her baby is halfway across the country.

Yeah, geez. So a woman should rely upon others to feed her instead of feeding herself, and that's feminism? That's pretty fucked up.

"I mean, men have been dating and feeling entitled to hot chick who are out of their field for ages"

Are you serious? You think everyone has the right to be with someone to whom they are genuinely attracted? So a flabby old man has the *right* to be with a hot 20-year-old model because he's only attracted to hot 20-year-old models?