
Before you head out to get a Happy Meal be sure to vote!

We certainly hope it doesn’t fail. Perhaps you might join us as we stand for GMG and Onion Inc union.


We ALL owe it to the Deadspin staff, the Splinter staff, and Gawker to fight until the very end. Just as they did for us.

We ALL owe it to the Deadspin staff, the Splinter staff, and Gawker to fight until the very end. Just as they did for us.

You could have emailed us too

POP! Follow me/us...

Still waiting for that email

It’s not over:

We’ll be the last ones standing and we will fight for you. The Kinja community will be together even after they kill it all. We promise that everything you’ve done will never go to waste.

I greatly value your feedback and perspective, and I hope to touch base with you further about bridging our communication gaps in the near future.