So he’s your typical Trump voter, a white guy with money who talks a big game, but would fold in an instant if you so much as looked at him with any intent. “SOMEONE NOTICED MY TWEET?! DELETE MY ENTIRE ACCOUNT!” is a pussy ass bitch move just like his hero, president pussy ass bitch.

Thank god he’s gone. Now maybe the Cubs can finally put together a string of winning seasons and win the World Series.

What? What fuckin’ planet are you on?

No, but she’s the daughter of a ‘well respected’ asshole and she’s a formerly pretty white girl, so her opinions are what you should believe.

The sport’s biggest problem is the unwritten rules. The game is a LOT more fun to watch when the players are having a good time. With the World Baseball Classic from a couple of years ago having unofficially suspended the unwritten rules, the games were a lot of fun to watch, because the players were having fun! MLB

Wait, I think I figured out why that pattern looks familiar. One little tweak...

This is where the people who complain about the erosion of morals intersect with people who say “it was only a joke.” In other words... the twilight zone. 

Yeah? So? Normally I’m not one to defend sportscasters, as they are a blight on those of us who come for the sports and not the commentary, but Deadspin calling someone out for wanting anything both ways is the kettle being called black by a collapsed star. Your own writers are on a crusade to confront the NFL on its

He looks like he has all the makings of a varsity athlete haha

or you could just eat a dick, Joe.

Like most old couples, I expect Andrus to deteriorate and retire as well within a year. He won’t be able to carry on alone without his soul mate.

Naw, Moss is awesome. The phrase “Straight cash, homey” has never left my lexicon, and I thank him for uttering it.

Fun fact: “straight class” is what Mike Pence tried to add to Indiana’s education curriculum, in light of his own insecurities about his mastery of the subject.

If Johnny keeps sucking like this he’s going to be sent back down to the Browns.

I love baseball. Where else can you see two guys get to third base on the same play as a foul ball out.

I guess being with a nazi just wasn’t as offensive somehow. :/

All the folks flooding my FB with her wedding photos....are they forgetting about Jesse James?

Kat has been garbage waaaaaaaaaaay before this revelation

I get it’s hard to have a private life while in the public eye.