Gawker Commenting Account

One player is also supposed to have two eyebrows. A-Dave only has one eyebrow. Therein lies the answer.

What isn’t trolling these days?


I would rather meet up in person so I could buy you a fucking sandwich and a beer. I don’t drink beer - it’s for commoners [even the craft trash] - but I’m sure you do. I would like to do you that small, in my mind anyway, favor.

Ok, guilty.

What a lazy comment. Hillary voter?

You poor thing. You still believe that if you really, really care a lot that maybe just maybe things will get better for you.

Now playing

When Hillary loses, and all her ardent supporters that pretend they’re in some real-life, meaningful political circle that will get invited to the cocktail parties they fantasize about realize they’ve been used like the half-brained fools they are, what are they gonna do?

Seriously. Can you imagine the kind of rationalizing goes on in Huma’s mind when she’s staring that down?

So sick of these gun grabbers pretending legal gun owners are the problem.

This country speaks ENGRISH.

Played varsity basketball when I was a freshman in high school so I can def relate to this.

O RLY??? My bad :)

Jane Austen references are like the most whitebread cracker things on earth.

Sounds like we’re intentionally being vague on purpose. Can’t we just say a pitcher’s stuff is nasty or not nasty?

At some point, people who talk about sports will have to be a little more specific.

Technology is making feats of strength/endurance like this obsolete.

And a beautiful, old soul.

Michele Obama twerks at the White House to rappers that degrade women and preach violence/hate/sexual abuse and still has the balls. maybe literally, to say that Trump’s comment was offensive to her?

TLDR - You’re mad. You lose.