This violent game is becoming more and more popular with each violent illegal immigrant that crosses our southern border.
This violent game is becoming more and more popular with each violent illegal immigrant that crosses our southern border.
No can do mi amigo. Too many Nazi things left to accomplish. Also have many illegitimate children to pay for though I might just skip town soon. They’ll get govt dough. They’ll be fine.
I’m sure some people sincerely care for good reasons. None of those very few people are here in Snarkland, USA though.
Because what else are we neo Nazis going to do when we’re on break from our jobs at Applebees?
Similar. It’s an echo, but you’re right. Nothing will compete with the degraded minds that once inhabited that magical jungle. There was literally nothing they couldn’t misunderstand.
Mike - you are correct here. Only bored white self-righteous race baiters talk about this stuff.
What a great comment. Scarce around here but don’t you tell me dry land is a myth! Dry land is not a myth! Thank you.
Is this the notorious Deadspin Snark that is so famous across all of the internet webpages?!?!?!
Deadwhatnow? This is Gawker, homie. Just look at these replies.
You have to be so, so bored to care about the Indians Logo, Redskins Name, etc...
Name’s not gramps... not anymore...
Me too. I’m also voting for him in the general because I understood his message.
We would have a ball together... until you passed out.
You are having an argument with yourself. It is likely the only argument you understand, hence your ridiculous venture here.
The only B word I use is Bernie. Bernie Sanders. You may remember him from such films as:
I am very fun at parties because I drink more than every woman in attendance, probably combined.
Men can drink more than women. It’s science and not debatable.
Are you an idiot? Use your goddamn brain.
Illegal immigrants are victims? LOL
Are you aware of oceans?