
I’ve worked in trucking for over 50 years. All these answers are wrong. They are called “hotdog doors”. Whenever we go to truck stops to do whatever it is we do there, we also buy lots of hotdogs. Sometimes hot, sometimes cold, it all depends on the altitude of your location. We would store said hotdogs in the

Rant alert: Great idea, extremely bungled execution. They gave us the exact same flawed views we have now complete with blind spots. Plus it looks like someone just duct-taped little monitors onto the interior doors.

I am still not sure if this write up has provided adequate details indication the benefits of this over other Stereo head units on the market? Is the article intended to get you to click the Sony link or something to get the details? I like that the Single Din, ugly facia is appealing to ward off thieves that are not

Thank you! The way I see it, readers will probably have the same questions I do. :)

It is reminiscent of older Jalopnik articles that actually had substance to them. 

I just want to say THANK YOU for not just stopping the article after you learned that the myth was untrue, and actually digging in and answering the next logical question that readers would have. It would have been very easy to just write another hundred or so words’ worth of fluff and then call it a day, but you went

Call me crazy, but how about if you put an axle with two car sized wheels under that platform, then added some way to attach it to the back of the vehicle. Then you could ride the bike on/off the platform and the bed of the truck could still be used to load other stuff. Not sure if the idea will catch on, but...

Interesting. I work with a bunch of people that already have one preordered and the cash set aside for the dual and trimotors. Anecdotes be like that sometimes.

NO, fuck that douchecanoe.

I imagine based on Mazepin’s upbringing, it is more important to people like Nikita than it is to most others.

Also, based on the hate for Lewis over his support for BLM unfortunately I think any driver being gay would be a limitation.

That said, George has my support either way and hopefully that sentiment is shared by

This website just keeps getting worse and worse, even when you can’t think it’s possible.

It’s interesting that you can see the author’s original title in the url, before that span feller bedazzles the title in the body into clickbait.

I didn’t write that headline. "Fascinating" is what I went with.

involves cutting a giant hole in the hull.

I was looking at a used Panamera the other day. The dealer plopped this 3 page questionnaire in front of me and said we’ll go look at the car after it was filled out. I pushed it away and politely said “no thanks.” (3 pages?? work info, income history, kids ages, married divorced, fuck off) Anyways we looked at the

“we can always talk numbers to better earn your business”

Da Vinci would make you pull over after 3 laps... so he could give it a tune-up.

Newton would be too busy formulating the acceleration forces required to attain current velocity and asking stupid questions like “How many kee-lo-grams does this motherfucker weigh?” to get scared. Lincoln would spend five minutes looking behind the car yelling “My hat! My stovepipe hat!” before turning around and

Newton, hands down. Abe Lincoln was tough as nails. He grew up on the frontier with an abusive father and worked his way up to president through sheer grit and determination. He was an avid wrestler, losing only one match in over 300 and is actually in the wrestling hall of fame. He then won the god-damn Civil War. Sur

I wouldn’t go as far as pay for it, but I would click.