I just passed on my last exit interview. I have no reason to work on improving the organization that Im leaving, they can work on improving things on their own time not mine. I wasn’t rude about it, I just declined and the HR rep didn’t seem surprised.

You absolutely do **not** need to be honest and truthful at your exit interview, especially if that ”honesty” burns a bridge. You want to stay on the best possible relationship with your past employers and co workers. Trashing them will not endear you. If you can be reasonably constructive, fine, but lobbing bombs can

If the future is still skinny jeans wake me up for the next future.

I primarily play games through Steam, but outside of Windows 10 spontaneously upgrading—which was bullshit!—I’ve been very happy with Windows 10. No problems.

Does the new design also extricate the G+ bullshit that never belonged on YouTube? I’m guessing not. I’m also guessing hell will freeze over before they actually freaking do that, though I thought I read they were supposedly going to last year.

Glad to hear of this. Youtube’s design is so cluttered, almost any change would be an improvement.

After a few years drinking the swill at work (Folgers bulk, in a coffee maker that hasn’t been cleaned in, umm...) I bought a cheap french press and buy whatever ground coffee I feel like for that week... Yes, I get it pre-ground, I know its not as good, but I’m making this at my desk! Easy, fast, actually drinkable,

Quick!!! Stop the presses! Alert the editor that we have a new front page article for the morning edition “Rival automaker calls others automakers product garbage while touring the technological prowess of their own”

I thought the “late eating” warning was debunked... ie, it doesn’t matter if you eat late (from a dieting perspective). Certainly, if such activity gives you heartburn or whatever, then be wary of that... but otherwise it seems fine. Anecdotally, in my case, I sleep better on a full stomach (I get less heartburn)...

As a life-long insomniac and workaholic, I’d add: Don’t even try to sleep hungry. Yeah, it’s dark and we shouldn’t be eating, but a rumbling tummy is worse. A simple, small midnight snack is not going to destroy your diet nearly as much as starvation the following morning. Carbs + dairy is always a good bet. I like a

At ones near or on military bases you can find stuff from all over the world.

I’m pretty sure if Congress demanded Silicon Valley to make a portal gun, they’d get a box full of combustible lemons back.

I came here to blast this thing because I could nitpick plenty about it. But when I look at it in terms of “Would I set this up at my dad’s house so I never had to dick around with why his wireless network is acting weird?” then I can see the potential appeal of it. I’m not sold on it, but I concede there may be a

It’s rather sad that both Google and Apple essentially brickwalled f.lux from being available on their systems by locking its functionality behind jailbricking/rooting until they had a chance to develop their own versions of it.