Not angry at all. Did however take a reasonable amount of time to find a career and employer that suits me and I them. Coping mechanisms ignore the real issue(s). Make an assessment. If the job really blows, get out on your terms. Bubble gum and unicorns only mask the core.

This is (one reason) why people who start with money tend to make more. If you don’t need the money, it’s easy to say no to opportunities which aren’t necessarily in your long term best interest. If you need the money to live on right now, then you’ll give up future potential for immediate needs. Employers also tend

That’s one thing I don’t understand about the “Tesla has had another delay, this is why it’s the worst thing ever!” type blog pieces etc.
I would gather that 99% of the people who deride the delays, are not even in the queue to receive the product. Not only that, but they are in no financial position to even own one

I’ve often thought that too, that telecommuting is the best of both worlds. However, I found that it made me sort of stagnant in my career, because I wouldn’t want to leave for another job if telecommuting wasn’t an option.

I’ve never freelanced, but I’ve thought really hard about it, and I decided every time to stay with employment. I just can’t deal with drumming up my own business, I would hate that.

All I have to offer, aside from a “good article,” is an additional:

This is web-based Outlook. Please, put in a little more effort.

I’ve (almost*) always had good experience with the following: “Look, I really like you guys, and I really like your service, but XXXXXX is offering faster speeds, or lower cost, or both. I don’t want to leave you guys because I don’t like XXXXXX, but I feel like I’m going to have to because they’re offering better and

My first thought was “this is kinda stupid”. But actually... This is brilliant. I love my watch, and there’s definitely a large portion of my texts that I can respond to with very basic things. But even if all I want to say is “yes” I have to pull out my phone, half defeating the point of having the watch (unless I’m

So where do you put your vagina?

personally, I disagree here, I think if you’re willing to go out and get another offer and would seriously consider leaving your current position for it, just go, I think threatening to leave to get a raise sets a horrible precedent, so now every time I want a raise, I need to go out and get an offer?? if you're

Cloud in and of itself, they aren’t a major player, but when you bundled it with the Office 365 suite, their service and solution is very impressive, and pricewise, very compelling. Dropbox is $120/yr for 1TB of storage. OneDrive 1TB, +Excel, +Word, +Powerpoint, +Outlook (installing on 5 PCs and up to 25 mobile

Counterpoint: There is no better snack food than chocolate milk.