Dang, I guess M.I.A. was right.

Shit looks like a damn pog.

It’s been happening for about a week. I have an extremely fast internet connection, so I don’t know if it is on my end or not. Thanks, Univision!

Is anyone else experiencing very slow load times with GMG websites?

Is anyone else experiencing excruciatingly slow load times for GMG websites lately?!?!? I see Univision is going to gut their budget- did they toss out a bunch of servers already?

Architects are nutty as squirrel poop.

That dude has no eyebrows.

I think he’s getting harder to handle. Notice how his shitty dye job is growing out. Motherfucker is getting crazier by the day.

Why does she have a belt around her neck?

No, all the conservatives are pretty much the same dipshit racists.

Ah HA! I knew I remembered him from somewhere. The fawning GQ article on him from November...he seemed fishy then.

“It was one position, what you would expect someone his age to do.”

What do ratings look like for her show nowadays? Dozens of white stay at home moms? I only ever paid attention to it when Bobby Finger was torturing himself listing stupid shit she said and did, and that was only for like, a month.

Goddamn Trilby-in-the-house-wearing weasel dick motherfucker. Somebody should just mace him the next time he tries shit.

This is going to radicalize white people when they finally wake up and realize just how much they’ve lost. Some white single mother with a disabled grandchild is gonna suicide bomb a major legislative event/building. I weep for this dipshit nation.

these weasel-dick motherfuckers. Super Size me was bullshit.

Who is Anna Winter?

Clean house, not to mention getting rid of any and all mentions, stories, shows, and programming having to do with jazz. Shit is boring and for old white guys.

Guys, we’re missing a real big point here: Donald’s father’s name was Fredrick Christ Trump.