What is this supposed to be about? A bad choice in suits and decor?
What is this supposed to be about? A bad choice in suits and decor?
Am I missing something? The only judgment the photo seems to call into question is his fashion judgement.
I’m sure I’m missing something obvious here (whether in the picture itself, or if this is tongue-in-cheek — either way I’m pretty sure I’m missing something) but all I see is a blurry picture of a guy who is probably not a great person overall. What would he need to resign over re: this image?
Are you purposely trying to help Trump by serving up this extra large nothing burger?
What am I missing here? I try really hard to get in on all the jokes around here.
I didn’t get it. Why would he resign? Didn’t anyone know who he was or something? And how does resigning help when everyone knows already what he looks like? Hes more safe in the white house with all the security if he is in danger. Nice suit for 80's or pimping.
Hope he kept that suit for his job interview in Moscow.
Okay, so am I missing something? All I see is a photo of a guy wearing a red suit in a house decorated in red.
I don’t get it. What am I missing here?
What’s black and white and red all over?
More like Steve Miller Banned.