How do you feel about Aonuma’s apology for not showing BotW 2 footage that played before the video? I felt that the apology was unnecessary and wonder why Nintendo felt so compelled to issue one.
How do you feel about Aonuma’s apology for not showing BotW 2 footage that played before the video? I felt that the apology was unnecessary and wonder why Nintendo felt so compelled to issue one.
Between this and raiding countless churches/burning houses while monks scream for their lives, this game gives more villainous thrills than any Grand Theft Auto title.
I agree, but also think it’s part of their charm. Complex titles contribute to the extensive world-building these RPG’s excel at creating. It’s like Lord of the Rings — all the Middle Earth lore can be simplified, but it would take away some of its magic even if it succeeds at becoming more accessible.
Dragon Quest 11. After about 25 years of playing games, it looks like I’m finally going to beat a turn-based JRPG. I’ve always been terrible at these games, but something about DQ 11 just clicked with me and I’m around the corner from the final boss (of the main game, as I understand there’s a hefty endgame quest…
Given that I still can’t get a PS5, I say keep the delays coming until retailers can figure out how to stop scalpers. I’m not going to pay $300 over retail, no matter what’s coming out.
I grew up playing games and now share them with my young children. What’s amazing to me is the percentage of kid appropriate games available now versus when I was growing up. Somewhere around 95% of SNES games were likely G-rated in content and designed for children. Whereas now, most top-selling games are firmly in…
Not to give any spoilers, but the final section drags on for about two hours without a save point (if I remember correctly). Somehow, I made through on my first try, but afterwards I was so bleary eyed and exhausted that I can’t ever imagine picking it up again. So, plan your marathon accordingly (and make sure to purc…
As a dad with an 8 year old, I credit games for helping him emotionally during this difficult time. He misses school (hates class via zoom) and his friends. He didn’t have a birthday party. What “experts” should really worry about is how the pandemic is affecting the mental health of young children. I let him play…
Maybe this is considered strategy guide material, but I like knowing what decisions I need to make to get the best endings in games. I’m a happy ending person and I don’t like sinking 100+ hours into large games without knowing the ramifications.
You should try to get an interview with this man, Tarik Khalid. A black police officer who wore a MAGA hat to infiltrate the crowd and extricate officers in danger. It’s very likely he saved lives — while putting his own at extreme risk. Yet, the force suspended him and who knows how other media will tear him apart.
Maybe an Agents of Shield follow up? I’m not sure how well the alternate universe is doing with Deke Shaw in charge of Shield. A universe hopping Captain America would probably be very welcome.
While I’m sure these deals have been in the works for a while, I wonder if the fall out from CP ‘77 is making developers more hesitant to pursue new IP’s. CP ‘77's technical failures, coupled with intense criticisms over its work environment shook up the industry. I imagine that established brands create less…