I bet I’ll be the only person playing Deus Ex Mankind Divided on the PS5. The game was on sale the other day and it looked pretty intriguing. Sure, there’s Returnal and RE: Village, but I don’t enjoy these kinds of games too much. I guess I won’t play a truly “next-gen” game until Ratchet comes out.
Does lowering the difficulty actually make this manageable for someone who just wants to explore an Alien story? I’m in the same position as Luke. I don’t like horror games or difficult ones. I didn’t play Last of Us 2 until I found out it has a whole slew of accessibility options (my favorite was one that made you…
They don’t do New York movies like this anymore.
All the missions were a little hard to handle at first. But, then I started playing it like a TV show -- what episode are we getting tonight? A murder mystery, romantic comedy, dramatic two-parter, etc? It became like the Star Trek game I’ve always wanted.
The mark is necessary. It’s the only way to tell whether the screenshot is from the PS4 or PS5 version.
Any Mass Effect fans here? Because I think ME snobs would look down on me. Andromeda is the only ME game I played and I loved it. Easily one of my favorite games. I can’t imagine how people would hate it — it’s got great characters, it’s full of stories around every corner, has a large universe filled with unique,…
At least until all its crazy vibration features give me carpal tunnel syndrome, I’m really enjoying the PS5 controller.
At least until all its crazy vibration features give me carpal tunnel syndrome, I’m really enjoying the PS5…
It’s likely that this game was not created with gamers in mind, but for parents who are understandably hesitant about using games as mental health therapy for their kids. And maybe it can be helpful for adults who also don’t have any gaming experience.
Game looks like a lot of arcadey fun. But, the bad guys are covered in so many tentacles and move so fast, it’s hard for me to actually get a good look at them (at least in the trailer). Hopefully the actual game will have some subtleties so you can enjoy the art direction -- rather than just shoot and dodge hundreds…
I think I’m still out of luck on the PS5. I scored one through Wal Mart’s 3/18 drop, but got notified today it’s delayed. If new stock doesn’t arrive in 10 days, the order is automatically cancelled. Anyone else in this situation? I’m hoping for a movie moment -- in the very last minute, they’ll get stock and ship it…
Wow, I never knew about this company, thanks for sharing!