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I worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends. So Lord, won’t you buy me a PS5?

I’m fine with the scene, but in terms of Black representation, I’ve always been upset that Franklin can’t play tennis. Sure, it’s okay for a white, homicidal maniac to enjoy a game of tennis — but a black man from the hood? No way, that’s just too unrealistic, even for GTA.

I’m going with Nathan Drake. Even though jumps are mostly automatic, Nathan’s often clumsy leaps paired with his shouts of “Oh, crap!” are the best. I also have to credit Nathan for cleaning up my own vocabulary because I’ve instinctively replaced “shit” with “crap.” From games to driving and work assignments, not a

I recently gave Hitman 2 a go to get ready for this game. I thought I was pretty good at games, but H2 destroyed me. After several failed attempts at the first level, I was only successful at passing it when I played it like Nathan Drake. Is this just one of those games that requires some practice, or does it have a

I’d like to see a totally new genre. Every game type we have now has been around since at least the PS1/N64 era. I’m not sure what that genre might be, but with all this advanced technology, something truly never-before-seen must be possible.

Too few comments that actually recognize his innate talent. It takes a powerful personality to be able to use your body to bring a character like that to life. I bet Jarod could have pursued a career in comedy -- some of the best comedians started out with great impersonations -- Andy Kaufman, Jim Carrey, etc. And not

In Los Angeles we have the Secret Movie Club. A large film group that rents out a local theater and plays weekend midnight movies. Sometimes, they even bring in special guests like cast and crew. One of my favorite theater experiences was watching Starship Troopers with this group — a packed theater filled with

Speaking of classic companies making a console come back, whatever happened to the Atari VCS? Seems like their “pre-order” page hasn’t been updated for a year or so. 

Yes, as the others say — You’re one of us. Embrace the truth!

I can’t wait for Mr. Ed’s cameo on Wandavision! (taking quick break from work, so no time to do a good job on this).

I appreciate Kotaku’s always honest and personal narratives. Thanks to your coverage, I’m going to wait until the fully playable CP becomes available on PS5. I think it’s a shame that the developer pressured its people to rush out a game (although I do understand the nature of hype and the corners it forces developers

Thank you for this article. I was wondering whether I should play it now, or wait until I can finally get a PS5 at retail price (probably several more months away). 

I’d say she’s doing pretty well by her children -- I’m sure she’ll make millions as a top anchor on Trump TV.

Is it worth getting for the PS4, or should I wait for the PS5? This game is mostly the reason why I’m tempted with overpriced Ebay scalpers. But, if there’s little difference between the two versions, I see no need to rush getting a PS5.

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I was tempted with a Buy It Now PS5 on EBay for $999. I mean, it wouldn’t be the end of the world, just a few hundred more dollars. But, then I watched this YouTube video showing the PS4 and PS5 versions of ACV side-by-side and the spell was broken. Not going to spend extra money for some slightly better looking mud

I can imagine Kratos’ son accidentally spending thousands of dollars on Fortnite transactions.

And neither manufacturers nor retailers are acknowledging that fact. They’re treating it as an expected holiday rush and don’t seem interested in creating online safe guards. I don’t think it will be possible to get consoles until the end of 2021 unless actions are taken.

Also — make it impossible for scalper bots to order systems. I wouldn’t mind if they were being sold out to people. But, it feels very wrong that a significant chunk of systems are going to scalpers who have programs that allow bots to bypass websites and place near instantaneous orders.