
This article makes me think about Superman, who had about the same gaming history until developers suddenly stopped trying. I think a good Superman game is still possible.

I never got a cool helmet, just Bjorn as a ship companion. Is that a glitch?

There are vampire-like beings in African mythology -- so, it would be awesome if Blade can make his way to Wakanda.

*Spoilers for Ghost of Tsushima*

I’m no legal expert on this matter, but it seems to me that Bush v. Gore created favorable legal precedent for Biden. In that case, the SCOTUS essentially ruled that Florida’s recount was unconstitutional because a legal vote cannot be givenlater arbitrary and disparate treatment.” Feels like that’s exactly what

I wish I enjoyed Horizon Zero Dawn more. The gameplay was great, but the story was revealed too quickly. The game’s “twist” was made fairly obvious in early missions and for me, it dulled the luster of its intriguing world.

OH, I’m a Viking and that’s okay, I sleep all night and I work all day. I cut down peasants, burn down churches and go to the lavatory. One day I’m a man and the next day I’m a lady.

JUST ANNOUNCED! Trump campaign LAUNCHES THINK TANK CENTERS across the country to combat the LAMESTREAM MEDIA!!!

JUST ANNOUNCED! Trump campaign LAUNCHES THINK TANK CENTERS across the country to combat the LAMESTREAM MEDIA!!!

As news of Biden’s victory spread across the country, our cameras have spotted Spider-Man outside of New York’s Fisk Tower. In a statement to the press, the webbed hero claims he’s following up on reports that Fisk is sending out armed henchmen to terrorize local ballot-counting centers.

Despite the Khan’s refusal to concede, our election night map clearly shows that Jin’s message of peace over barbarian rule has resonated with the people of Tsushima Island.

I only got back into gaming about a year ago after a several year break. I had a great time playing all the decade’s greats, and an even better time when I fully caught up and was able to participate in the zeitgeist. So, it’s really only that social aspect of gaming that makes me want to purchase the PS5 right away.

I’m actually looking forward to 2028 at this point. Mark Kelly’s Senate win in AZ makes me hope he will run for president. An astronaut, engineer, politician and husband of a politician who miraculously survived a tragic mass shooting.

Will Discovery ever become fun? With all the tears being shed, I think we have enough water to host a pair of whales in the cargo hold. I care about the characters and enjoy the overall premise, but the series is far too heavy on the sentiment. I long to see a Ferengi, or watch some Klingons get crazy with a barrel of

Way to go Bro!

I love sentimental beats in science fiction, but Discovery is taking it a little too far. It almost feels like a parody at this point. Thank goodness for Georgiou, but I wish the series had more emotionally diverse, rough around the edge characters. I think one of the finest examples is Jadzia Dax, who managed to

Considering how important they were to the plot, I thought they must have been in on it. And some of their dialogue felt too good to be true. Like, the filming team just happened to find the perfect pair for the story?

Wow, I never realized Trump looked so much like William Shatner. 

What might this controller feel like for someone with carpal tunnel issues? Is it the miracle cure we’ve been waiting for, what with all these vibrations? Or, will it exacerbate the pain?

What might this controller feel like for someone with carpal tunnel issues? Is it the miracle cure we’ve been waiting for, what with all these vibrations? Or, will it exacerbate the pain?