
I guess I’ll buy AC Valhalla then. Was going to hold off on that game because I didn’t want two open world games so close together.

Metal Gear Solid. You’re one exclamation point away from an army of guys with sub-machine guns running you down.

Last of Us Part III 

I can’t get myself to complete the campaign. I just don’t find the game that fun. The fighting is very clunky, the enemies are boring and the level design feels like old school Twisted Metal.

I can’t get myself to complete the campaign. I just don’t find the game that fun. The fighting is very clunky, the enemies are boring and the level design feels like old school Twisted Metal.

Well, he’s the man for his time and place. He fits right in there...

Nobody say a word...

I’m concerned that affirmative action-type regulations don’t work for Hollywood as they do for universities. Seems to me like a production can meet these qualifications by casting non-essential roles with “token” minorities. Rather, there needs to be a framework for promoting minority creators and actors.

A blink and you’ll miss it cameo

Law student here. I wish it was possible to actually see the commercial. Can’t find it on YouTube. But, there are some clues in the letter as to what kind of argument Murray’s team may be presenting.

Play in Creative Mode -- where you can create everything at your whim and you’re invincible.

Let there be Puddles!

Yes, SSX -- there was nothing like it!

When the Deathloop trailer first came out during the Sony reveal a few days back, I thought it was a Timesplitters sequel -- and got pretty disappointed that it was a new IP.

Cyberpunk 2077 is releasing on PS4 too, right? That’s the one upcoming game I’m looking forward to most, but I still don’t think I’ll buy the PS5 right away. I probably won’t buy it until there are at least two big, 80+ hour open-world games available. Any combination of GTA6, RDR3, Elder Scrolls, etc.

So, in other words, no real reason to buy it on launch.

May the Force Be With Ye Matey