
Arrgh Abby, ye may have bested fungus zombies, but yer days are numbered against me — The Undead Pirate LeChuck!

Avengers is my first loot game. I’m still in single player and when it comes to gear -- I always just hit the “equip best gear” button without thinking about it. Is there any downside to automatically relying on this button?

Say what you will about the rest of the film, but I think the ending is perfect. A lonely Corleone, suddenly collapsing in his chair. I hope that isn’t changed.

I agree, but still a lot worse for Finn. He had the most compelling backstory...and the only backstory relevant to modern debates. A black man who grew up as a slave in an evil empire — only to escape it. Damn, was I looking forward to this story line — much more ambitious then anything Star Wars ever put to screen.

Clearly, this marks the return of DB Cooper!

Always good — but, this stems from an childhood experience. Knights of the Old Republic was the first big role-playing game I became invested in — and I was Sith all the way. The final level of the game gave me the opportunity to murder most of my companions. But, when the game ended I felt so guilty that I vowed to

Um, Jin, maybe you should open your eyes...

Um, Jin, maybe you should open your eyes...

Does the secret also say something about the film industry? If Disney knew about his diagnosis, I have a feeling they wouldn’t have hired him — they need healthy actors for their 10 year contracts...

I agree with the strategists. My stomach is starting to hurt in the same way it did in 2016 when it began to seem that Trump was gaining ground against Hillary.

I’m wondering -- do our avatars have dialog, or do they communicate silently, a la Skyrim? 

Physical games lost their appeal when the instruction book fell out of fashion. I miss instruction booklets, they were like the appetizer before the game. I remember buying games in Toys R Us as a child and poring over the instruction book on the drive home. By the time I got to my room, ready to try out all the great

As the court brief states, Epic is taking pretty questionable steps. I wonder why their lawyers didn’t review the law before filing for an injunction. In short, a preliminary injunction requires the plaintiff to show the below four things. You don’t need to be an attorney to fill in the blanks for Apple’s favor.

Looks like a fun post-Ghost of Tsushima game to check out. I’m creeping towards a 100% completion and know I’ll miss the experience once the final Mongol stronghold falls.

To me, that’s the problem. It’s a nostalgic game, but misplaced many fans’ nostalgia. I’m nostalgic for the slowly unraveling mystery and the emphasis on exploration/puzzle solving. I don’t miss the series’ clunky mechanics or often grinding, unavoidable mini-games. The developers, however, thought it was the game play

I took a big break between gaming as a kid then coming back as an adult. So, my biggest disappointment is a recent game — Shenmue 3. Speaking of childhood, I’ve carried the memories of Shenmue since I was a wee tween — and I couldn’t believe that nearly 20 years later, the long-awaited sequel will finally be a

Even without its four difficulty modes (that can be used anytime), it’s actually one of the easiest games made in a long time. In terms of recent gaming trends, it’s a pretty stripped down experience which makes it pretty satisfying to play. I compare it most to Spiderman PS4 in that both the environment and combat is

I’m beginning to feel Microsoft may not appreciate me anymore, but maybe Sony will. That’ll show Gates... 

I like the R2 mounting. Jumping on a horse is a pretty physical act, so it feels right that its accomplished via a more meaty button like R2. Triangle works for breaking into cars in GTA, but feels a little too light for mounting a horse.