It makes me think of an old school PS2 brawler also made by Square Enix — The Bouncer. This game had huge expectations, but was a big disappointment upon its release. I would say that the expectations for this game were a lot higher than the Avengers because it was a departure from other Square games and featured…
Not original gaming music, but I’m adding Star Wars. I wonder what kind of influence Star Wars had in developing gaming audio. All through the years, Star Wars games have faithfully recreated not only the soundtrack, but the sound effects.
Yeah, I agree. As someone with a background in copyright law, I’m unsure about the accusations unless more information is released. Who holds the game’s copyright? Suits with multiple copyright owners tend to be messy, and the burden of proof is the plaintiff’s responsibility. And, since the game hasn’t released yet,…
I also wish it had a better way to access tools. I don’t know if I’m alone, but having to manage different combinations of shoulder buttons and face buttons to access a single gadget, bow/arrow type or stance puts my fingers in endlessly confused turmoil. Just can’t get them committed to muscle memory. It makes me…
It was this sentence in the article — “their respective legal teams are reportedly still in conversation about ‘next steps.’”
I think Swift made the right move in re-branding her logo, but there may not be any legal remedy available the store. If you check their trademark, it’s for a “standard character mark typeset,” which means that while “The Folklore” phrase is protected, it does not lay claim to any particular font style, size, color or…
My favorite guitar tutor is Marty Music. I’m not affiliated with him — but, I’ve been learning from his free lessons for so long, the least I can do is recommend him!
My favorite guitar tutor is Marty Music. I’m not affiliated with him — but, I’ve been learning from his free lessons…
A lot of people don’t expect the physical demands of playing guitar. One, pressing those strings hurt — especially barre chords. Expect callused fingers and sore muscles. Two, normal acoustic guitars can be pretty wide, making strumming cumbersome. Electric guitars are good for beginners because the strings are a…
A lot of people don’t expect the physical demands of playing guitar. One, pressing those strings hurt — especially…
I recommend using the difficulty settings as a training ground. Set it to easy. It gives you a better idea of enemy animations and should help train you for higher difficulties. I’m not the greatest gamer, so I’m thankful for easy settings. I always give “Normal” a chance, but once I start losing fights several times…
This is nice, but for some true virtual interactivity I would recommend video games. My favorite non-violent exploration games include No Man’s Sky and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. No Man’s Sky is a space travel simulator dropping you into an endless virtual universe. There are literally thousands of unique planets to…
The original poem is just as bad. I don’t know how Jews can be included with communists and socialists. Judaism is a faith and the other two are political groups. Persecution against a people is not the same as persecution against a political ideology. Children were not gassed to death because they were communists...
The main character’s name — “B. Rosenberger Rosenberg” was enough to turn me off the novel. Immediately gave me the impression of a poorly aged comedy from 1964, or a knock off of A Confederacy of Dunces. What a silly name, I’ll laugh every time I read it!...not.