
You can pile this and every other USPS problem at the feet of Trump appointee Louis Dejoy.

This deal was worked and approved by the Trump admin’s USPS Board and finalized 31 days into the Biden administration.

“The Biden administration”

I can offer one possible explanation:

which begs the question: “Why the hell are these not EVs then?” it’s literally the perfect use case for EVs since idling does not waste energy like it does in an ICE.

In my experience, a disproportionately high number of douchebags buy Raptors. I believe that is enough to explain the behavior. 


My right-wing brother lives in an exclusive waterfront community of seven-figure homes but owns a military-grade AR for home protection. I guess in case neighbor comes to steal his Jimmy Buffett CDs.

And this is what you get in a society that fetishizes guns.

Come on, dude was just standing his ground. In his car.

It’s Florida. You can gun people down with impunity and it will always be “Self Defense”. Provided they are the “wrong kinds of people”.

Not having laws that keep idiots from owning guns is incredibly stupid.

Ah yes, a member of America’s well regulated militia doing God’s work on the highways of Florida. 

Everyone disagreeing with this shooting must be deemed non-American and be deported.

idiots with guns are incredibly stupid

Guns are so incredibly stupid.

He’ll be elected to our Florida Senate next cycle I’m sure.

He looked like a total badass. The control of his weapon points to adequate training. Glad he’s armed and spraying our highways for justice.

This must be one of the many “responsible gun owners” they have in Florida, necessitating the complete lack of firearm ownership regulation down there.