
I’m not sure a sample size that does not include Kevin Durant at all tells us a lot. Not to diminish the larger point, which is that their defense has been terrible, but this was never a team built to go 10-deep on the roster this year. And Durant’s impact on offense will change any defensive metric, anyway, simply by

It could matter. It has mattered in the past. A month off is a long time to go, but you can’t not pay attention to Durant the way the Raptors have played Iguodala over the past couple games. Box and 1 is a no-go now, and that’s served Toronto pretty well in the second half lately.

The problem is, the majority of voters aren’t as far left as the candidates you want to align with them. See: literally any presidential election (or even primary season) in the past 70 years. It’s about a third left, a third right, and a slightly larger squishy middle. Of that middle, about 10 percent vacillates

This is exactly what I would say about this series if I could write like Ray Ratto.

“in a way every other first world country already has” means no dental, no eye exams, a lot of elective surgeries -- all of which are just going to require private insurance.

OK, yeah, but...the series was always going to move to the Bay.

Fraud is inconceivably difficult to prove...

That Kenneth Copeland video is some of the creepiest, slimiest shit I’ve ever seen.

He traveled.

I’ve lived here since 1995, so I know whereof you speak. What was it, 2013 or ’14 when we had 31 straight days of 110? Murder. And monsoon season used to start in late July; now it’s not uncommon for that to begin in June. So...yep!

I think we all know the answer to the question in the headline. The reason there are so many tornadoes is that God is punishing us for having a gay mayor run for president.

“If you guys really want to learn a thing or two about being desperate suitors, have I got just the thing for you.”

Are these the same Canadians and British who have tons of private care plans in place on top of their government health care so people who can afford it can get...(checks notes) dental work and eye exams?

No, not really. Hillary Clinton was immensely unpopular, even among a healthy share of Democrats. Joe Biden doesn’t have that problem. His favorability average is currently at 51%, per RCP, which is 10 points higher than Hillary’s.

It’s happening.

This is, to me, the argument against the impact of reparations. Sure, money will be nice, but what does it fundamentally change about the situation if you get, say, $50K? Not a hell of a lot. 

Aaron has to make that upgrade. Danica Patrick is the Drake of motorsports, Non-Tony Stewart Division.

I both resent and respect this, just to be safe.

I’m torn. As Mike says, “That’s just the way the game is played,” which makes me want to not travel this weekend. On the other hand, Chris Berman would always remind us, “That’s... ... ...why they play... ...the game,” and now I want to travel again just to see what happens.

I feel like you’re taking a beating here for absolutely no reason. Thanks for the post. 

I feel like you’re taking a beating here for absolutely no reason. Thanks for the post.