
Still one of the great sports quirks of all time: Since the 1957 championship, no head coach of the Detroit Lions has ever gone on to another NFL head coaching position. 15 coaches over the past 50-odd years and not one of them has ever been an NFL head coach again. Jim Schwartz may again one day and George Wilson,

I’m sure that’s just an oversight. Hamilton’s outrage is absolute. 

You’re using equivocation incorrectly. You mean equate.

No, but did you know they kicked some cash to Joe Arpaio this cycle? I hate literally everything about that guy but...the shakes are so damn good.

You’re on the internet, so either by virtue of your ISP, your browser of choice, the device you’re using, or the fact that you’ve supplied some company your personal data to tie to this account (Twitter, Facebook, or Google, all of whom have their skeletons), you have performed a transaction — out of sheer convenience

“We’re talking about buying new shit, moon man.” Sorry, wouldn’t I have to immediately throw out everything I own to start this process? You’ve done it, so what was your experience? How could I live with myself knowing that I don’t have the most environmentally friendly air filter?

My options aren’t limited, precisely because I don’t cry like a child when companies do something I disagree with, nor do I hold companies accountable to some set of personal ethics I’ve developed along every possible factor, and certainly not the personal ethics of reactivists on Twitter.

I’m not making any ethical decision about mechanically separated chicken product; I ate Chik-Fil-A before and I still eat it. Because I like it. What they do with their money is not something I have to consider before making a drive-thru run. I’m not forced to use the services of a ubiquitous tech monopoly. I choose

Maybe it’s to avoid decision fatigue, but I generally accept that big companies, the ones who supply nearly everything, have made many choices I would not agree with and make my decisions on which to buy based on the quality or desire for the product itself.

I just got some Chik-Fil-A coupons in the mail today. Pretty stoked.

It sounds like you want them to align their wallets to your values. 

In what ways are you powerless? I don’t feel that my options are nearly that limited.

I don’t care. I’m not here for their opinions on corporate philosophy, for the same reason that I still eat Chik-Fil-A.

You don’t need to explain capitalism to me. You may, though, want to explain how you misread my post to think I was talking about destruction of property since I never mentioned it and used the word “boycott” twice.

The argument that didn’t bother to see its own logical conclusion, that “what it took” to get a product into our hands is not a very small consideration and can take many different forms depending on what’s important to each consumer?  

I’m not sure how that would make the world “better.” You might feel “better” but what would that knowledge change? The world would fundamentally be the same, and so would most products and services, because there’s no one right answer for all those questions and what some people find unimaginable doesn’t bother other

Imagine how complex life would be if every product you consumed had to pass some idiotic test of moral righteousness.

Oh, man. We have to boycott Nike now? I didn’t even have time to boycott In N Out this weekend because they gave money to California Republicans and now the weekend’s over and I have to go back to work...there’s no way I’m going to have time to boycott TWO companies this week for offending peoples’ dopey politics. 

So maybe he changed his mind about sharing his thoughts publicly? It’s not like he necessarily owes anyone the conversations he might have had or the process he might have gone through. It might also be that, you know, this is just an unrelated subject and why would he have to talk about Hardiwck at a time and place

Nick Aldis seems cool.