
Just in terms of raw matches played, Federer — who’s been a pro three fewer years than Serena — has still played more. With singles, doubles, and mixed doubles, Serena has totaled 1,164 matches played. Roger has won 1,149 singles matches. He’s played 17,221 games in singles competition. I wish WTA kept that stat

Yep, and then the Rockets were leading by five two minutes later. My point is it wasn’t just a 46-point swing after the first quarter; it wasn’t even a 10-point lead by the Warriors until a minute left in the third. The Rockets still had a realistic shot through most of the third quarter, and then they suddenly

It’s not just that they lost by 29 and that it was a 46-point swing. The Rockets had a lead until 3:35 left in the third, and got outscored by 31 in the final 15 minutes and change, only scoring 12 points the rest of the game.

I saw a promo for this on YouTube the other day and immediately thought, “Damn it. I’m going to have to get the network again.”

I wrote a really good report on Thomas Jefferson. I’m not sure if you guys knew this, but in addition to being our third president and author of the Declaration of Independence, he also created the long-running comic strip, Rex Morgan, M.D.

Thanks for the advice. It’s still a better joke than “I do believe if you illegally stream a Cowboy game, Jerry shows up at your house, raids the liquor cabinet, and eats the last of your Halloween candy.” 

I think you’re just overshooting the target. All I’m saying is Jerry Jones, pictured under a headline featuring the words “the dick,” is a dick.

NFL Can’t Stop Shooting Itself in the Dick

The most interesting thing I’ve noticed in the playoffs is the Twitterlust for Doris Burke. And not really her broadcasting.

No, I’m acting like the motivation didn’t matter at all, because it’s a stupid, unproductive thing to do regardless of the reason. This is why my original comment was “Ignore her.” The only reason my comments may read like this was some form of resistance is because someone engaged me on the subject of “ignoring

So instead of “saintly non-violence,” let’s toss ideas out the window, bare our asses and throw water on the cunt. That’ll make us champs!


This is silly. And inaccurate. Appeasement would have been 1938-1939. In 1945, we were killing tens of thousands of innocent Japanese as collateral damage and to signal our Soviet allies that we had superior weaponry, remember?

It’s interesting that you hear very much the same approach from fans of “enhanced interrogation.” You can’t reason with a terrorist and they’d do it to us, so therefore...

I think you’re giving this idiot far too much power as it is, and the best way to ensure that keeps growing is by making her a headline. In this case, you’ve not only made her a headline but a victim. So well done!

My best, Ed

Or: Ignore her.

She’s admitted as much. Whatever advantages she has on the women’s tour would disappear against larger, quicker athletes on the men’s side and they would be playing against someone who likewise would be at a greater disadvantage than almost every man on the tour. So it would be tough to see her winning a set, much

They’re too different, if the measuring stick is Grand Slams, and that’s usually the case for tennis. The men play best-of-five sets; the women best-of-three. If you’re looking at Serena’s 23 and Roger’s 20 and saying all else being equal, Serena’s accomplished more, then that wouldn’t be the case because all else is

I hear Charlotte Gainsbourg is great in it, especially the dream sequence where she rolls around in old newspapers, crying, naked, and cold.