
Dan Gilbert: “Next summer, remind me to not use Comic Sans in my kiss-my-ass letter to LeBron. I want to use Carlos Font instead.”

I don’t know the meaning of that, but I like it! +1 posse

I hadn’t heard that “all” the original stuff was being cut. If so, greenlighting them all in the first place was terribly shortsighted.

A. You’re not looking at what the business is. The business is content, and specifically who owns it. Vince owns it, not USA. Whether or not it is a sport is irrelevant. Some weeks they’ll get about 15 percent viewership through DVR, a higher percentage in the 8 p.m. hour. That’s not terribly high. Two weeks ago,

Every network already does. See: NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL.

Given the amount of WCW, World Class, Mid-South, AWA, and ECW material they own, I’m shocked they don’t have dedicated channels for some of that. You usually only see it in a curated list of content around a specific wrestler or a theme. I always thought it would be great to run the old Georgia Championship Wrestling

I don’t know if WWE needs less content or a lot less content. I tend to think they’d be healthier if they had one show a week, it was two hours long, they developed mid-card guys on Main Event, wherever that airs, and they just focused on great matches with charismatic figures every week. Then they could scale back

If you look at the 2015 and 2016 financials, TV constituted a smaller percentage of overall revenue than it had previously, and the network and digital media were the largest gainers. TV is still the biggest single piece, at about 35 percent, but I think in Vince’s mind, if he could get that under a quarter of revenue

And of course, who are they giving it away to? The mainstream wrestling fans who wouldn’t spend money on it in the first place. They don’t want the network because they’re not that invested. Going to be interesting to see what develops around the time of the USA renegotiation. They really need next day Raw/Smackdown

The network isn’t panning out as quickly as Titan Sports had hoped. It seems logical that the hardcore fans are bought in, but the programming on the network is kind of a mixed bag. I would have thought they’d use a lot more of the archives than they do, instead of producing prank shows and cartoons and reality shows

Why are recipes?

This might be one of the cutbacks, like eliminating pyro from entrances and canceling Talking Smack. Apparently, they’re way off from profit projections to this point in the year, so they’re cutting any expenses they can.

+1 season sponsorship

Here’s a fun fact: Nobody lost any health coverage today. This was a vote to begin debate. The bill still likely does not have enough votes to pass.

Also, what’s a contradiction?

I’m nothing if not impressively restrained.

So basically, he’s Milwaukee back his previous comment.

Come on, you’re a grown man. Don’t give the Nazis a bad name by walking around without a shirt.

I love you. Your eyes sparkle like the Nile.