
500-700, depending on how many tournaments she played. Wouldn’t get out of many second rounds, and would likely never make a semfinal in a field of 32. She’s a great player, but she would have all of the advantage that comes with her size, strength, and speed immediately taken away from her, and in return, she would

Why would he qualify it? Because they play on different tours that, for their signature events, require male players to compete in a best-of-five-set format. They’re different, so they should be compared separately.

As far as I have read, it was uncomfortable. Both guys have a point, although Miz, as much as I never liked him, was among the best heels in 2016 and through Mania. It’s kind of tapered off since, which is why they’re moving Maryse out of the storyline. But yeah, by all accounts, that’s pretty much a worked shoot.

Oh, absolutely. Those matches were not par for the course. There were different risks those days, such as working injured (because you had to — and Bruno did with a broken neck) and uncertain ring conditions. In a lot of the old venues, they had to work in boxing rings, which is a bit like wrestling on a desk. Also,

That’s largely true. It’s also true that almost everyone knew how to work 50 years ago, so even when the matches were violent, they weren’t as harmful. It wasn’t all mat wrestling, though. You can see Dusty Rhodes against Superstar Graham, in between Bruno’s two reigns, in a bullrope match or a strap match or

You had many words for him. Oddly, none of them were, “My reading comprehension is not what it should be for someone who speaks and writes for a living.”

You were already going to hell.

I think they’re doing a better job with concussions now, or at least with their diagnosis and treatment for them. There are still way too many high spots for concussions to be mitigated to any real degree.

Remember when Russians were heels? Those were the days, huh?

I’m genuinely sorry if his response offended you.

Man, I can’t believe how totally unrelated that is. There are no parallels to be found anywhere.

“You had me at Freak Whipped Cream.”

I don’t particularly like this guy.

Sorry, man. That’s a hard case to make.


German bankruptcy? Sure looks like Brexit was the right idea, doesn’t it?

This couldn’t be more off-base or uneducated. “Abortion is legal or it’s not.” Except it is legal in some cases and is not legal in others. “We go to war or we don’t.” It’s not been that simple in 80 years. “A belief that a certain military action is immoral cannot be reconciled with a belief that it is necessary.”

He absolutely is. Caveat emptor. Maybe Charlotte feels like they’re one guy in the middle away. That would be delusional, but this is a decent pull if that’s their mindset.

That’s probably it. Horford’s gone, Millsap will probably depart, too. I have no idea why the Hawks didn’t get something younger or more valuable in return. Not a lot you can do with Marco and a Plumlee.

This isn’t terrible, as much as I don’t like Dwight Howard. Charlotte had nobody who averaged more than seven boards last year, and Dwight can certainly give them help there. He doesn’t touch the ball all that much these days, although he can still be a threat in the post, but it’s not like Marco and Miles did a lot