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    What is this cupcake place in North Berkeley of which you speak?

    Principles, not principals #corrections

    I know this was almost four years ago, but now, all the links are broken. Please fix? #corrections

    I'm not trying to be snarky, but why wouldn't you just measure the dimensions of your drawer and take the measurements with you when you do shopping? You could just add the measurements to your phone/shopping list and then you wouldn't have to remember to bring the newspaper too.

    I like MyFitnessPal — [www.myfitnesspal.com] If the exercise you want isn't listed in the database, you can create your own. There are iPhone/iPad/Blackberry/Android apps too (and they're free).

    Thanks for the tip - I was unaware of anything beyond urbanspoon.

    This article is tagged as "IPHOEN DOWNLOADS". Could someone correct the spelling of iPhone?