
then you are definitely getting cast

so all the cars look like an Aston Lagonda and a Lancia Stratos concept? That is a future I could get behind

sweet! they didnt work that well when new anyways!

haha nice

when you find it, find me and tell me where

if I remember correctly, it wasnt that sensitive. Been a long time since 92 though

if you were an armpit stainy kind of guy/girl, then this was not for you

pic 3-5 was gratuitous, thanks

just going to leave this right here...

c'mon, even Puba knew in 95 they would be pushin Lambos

at least it is of the Glenn Danzig era. I aint no god damn sonofabitch, better think about it bay-bee

the Albrecht von Goertz designed 507 is such an icon, it is hard to not choose that as my favorite. A Z1 would do me fine though due to the funk factor

goes right along with his crappy countach kit car

Good lord that NART Spider at 27.5 seemed like a steep price. This shatters that

best idea I have heard in a long time. Cut payroll and get the same amount of real work done

I had my blinker on and was handsignalling I needed to get out of the exit only lane. everyone kept passing on the left to cut me off in front of the exit, 4-5 of them flipped me off. I tried rolling slow but they had no inkling of how to ride well. I ride myself, and this was just heinous

I saw these guys yesterday, the bikers, and what a pack of assholes they were. Splitting lanes on the highway at speed (70mph between 2 cars), cutting people off, they had me boxed in so I couldnt get out of an exit only lane so they could get off. Not saying they deserve to be hit, but they had it coming. I recognize

I saw these guys yesterday, the bikers, and what a pack of assholes they were. Splitting lanes on the highway at speed (70mph between 2 cars), cutting people off, They had me boxed in so I couldnt get out of an exit only lane so they could get off. Not saying they deserve to be hit, but they had it coming.

also note the small ding to the left of the plate. There is another

find this thing guys! So nice of a Camino, and a great story behind it.