
not even a question NP. I might even go buy this

the aristocrats...shit I have closed my hand in many a door and lost nails. Quitcha bitchin and close it your own damn self

1000% super Jalop win right there. Good job guys

CP for me, but you couldnt build it for that, so NP for SOMEone

also see James May's flying tow behind camper

look at that crazy windshield. Love it

good lord is that a good looking key there

yup I came in to post this. Simple, classic, classy. Geez remember when you actually had to unlock your door with one of those

good god does that one look good in black

woo one owner! I saw this thing when he had a measly 1.8m on it

My kiddos would likely love that. Good job Torch, wrong coast though for us!

WANT, because it is possibly the closest thing to simple automotive origami I have ever seen. Plus screw pompous VW airheads and their knowledge

yes folks, I know it still exists, but isnt represented on this here infographic, not even a note!

what happened to pushrods???

Well, I am interested, but put me far down on your list of deserving people Matt. Just found out I have to be back in Maine Friday morning for a shoot, speaking of film, then back to NYC on Saturday!

Oh boy there is something. Sorry to disappoint but those are local rides only within the $75 tow radius (just in case). Roadmaster Estate wagon to So. CT then a train in so I don't have to park it

Available Wed-Thurs, check

this picture is all kinds of awesome

I will never sleep again

Hummer mysteriously absent from menu