I place the blame squarely on the NFL. They wanted Arena ball so they’ve made it extremely difficult to play defense in the league. Check out QB ratings over the years and you’ll see how that the passing game is basically Madden on easy mode.
If you want to trace how we got to this point, the NFL has the exact specifics on how they ruined their own game.
If this story was about technical terms of a firearm or on a firearms blog, I think I’d give the author some guff. As it stands, it’s a motorcycle/cop story and I don’t think Sean ever represented himself as a firearms or combat expert so cut him some slack. For example, it’s not worth the argument from me if people…
How long before someone post the trite “here’s what happened on SB Nation”? As if there are zero Lions or Packers fans on Deadspin.
And the Oscar goes to Warner Brothers.
I keep my car clean. The issue in this case was I braked, a can rolled out of the bag in the back seat and rolled underneath my driver seat.
Awesome. I tell 1 anecdote from 14 years ago and dipshits come out of the woodwork.
Groceries happen. So you can go fuck yourself and keep your snark to your fucking self.
One of those 7 would be a drug kingpin in New Mexico.
Question about your driving experience Andrew. My major concern about the Camaro is the compromised view of the road and the small windows. Was that an issue for your test drive? One of the reasons I like my GTI test drive and considering a Mustang is how much of the road I can see.
Personally, I think all pedals should be. Ever had a loose coke can slide under the brake pedal?
The Minutemen are here to help!
PS, don’t bitch about other sports news organizations being lazy when you are lazy as fuck.
That’s pretty fucked up. Thankfully, Haisley, Deadspin, and Kinja won’t be around in a year or two.
You say shameless, I say relentless competitor. For 12 years, Kobe has refused to accept “no” as an answer.