
As a Portland fan, I was actually looking forward to this season, not because I thought the team would contend for anything other than a top 3 lottery pick, but because I was so glad to see them moving beyond their identity last year, which was basically Lillard + Aldridge scoring about 55-60 points per game and then

So wait, player development, filling out the back end of your roster, free agency, roster chemistry, and trading for players are important parts of building a successful team?

Everyone who starred this should yas queen themselves off a goddamn cliff.


“If you’re the kind of jerkass who is constantly looking for reasons to slag women’s college basketball male”

No. The (radioactively) hot components are removed in shielding. They are left for a while after the plant is shut down for the thermal heat to decay, but that takes something like days or weeks. Lesser activated stuff, like pipes, valves, etc. that might have been irradiated, is much more easily handled. Any


that’s what she said.

Well, it looks like he was the one...

Swing and a miss.

The very act of getting a DUI is “making a fool out of yourself”. Let’s not hand out bonus points because she acted calmly about it.

yeah, but ... who the fuck else could she even pretend to blame? the bartender? the liquor store clerk? she drove drunk. “I take full responsibility for my actions.” thanks, (former) Captain Obvious.

That just shows how little you know about us True Americans, Alejandro.

one thing is for certain: The Walking Dead knows how to deliver an intense episode without anyone dying or fighting.

Cause Cold Stone says so!

Thanks Trudeau