500 Days of Kittens

In these troubled times, our standards for “really smart” are as skewed as our standards for hot.

I appreciated her steadfast refusal to learn or care about any sport the entire time she wrote for Deadspin. Will miss her unique voice.

There are four rankings of classified information in the American intelligence community. Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and code word clearance. The information that President Trump divulged was considered code word clearance-level intelligence, and thus it was above the Top Secret ranking in clarification.

So, when Scalia died, all my friends were like, WHOO HOO! PARTY TIME IN AMERICA! I quietly said nothing, and although I agreed with the sentiment that the SCOTUS and country are better off without him anywhere near a position of power, I recognized that he was still a human person deserving of basic human dignity (we

Here’s a link to get you started. I hope I don’t appear rude, yet I’m short on time today.

The best car experience I had with my mom was a lesson in courage and decisiveness.

I was about 4 years old and my sister was about 6. The family had just bought a new Ford Pinto station wagon. White with tan interior. This was in the late 70s or early 80s. Probably 1979.

My sister and I loved to ride in the wagon

Great post, Karen! Don’t forget, you’re also cooler than your son.

Speaking of college physics, there’s a nice college exercise where the student has to plot a graph of acceleration as a function of velocity at a constant power. You get a curve of the form a=k/v: acceleration is the inverse of velocity (times some constant). You’ll notice this asymptotes towards infinity at zero

Have you seen the documentary “13th”? It’s all about the war on drugs, how it impacts people of color, and this quote is included. It’s very compelling to watch.

Protip: Print off a few quotes to sprinkle under the bushes. They make great fertilizer.

I disagree.

If you are menopausal, and it changes, I’d go to your Dr.

Since it’s part of the natural self-cleaning process, sometimes you may have more and it not be in relation to an infection/hormonal issue. Sometimes before my period I have a sudden glut of clear/whitish discharge all at once and then nothing. Sometimes when I work out - same thing. Vaginas are mucous membranes like

Lifehacker is supposed to be about life hacks, not health issues.

Awesome parenthetical.

Scientist 1: “That stuff gives people cancer.”

Pre-existing conditions.

The key to using the knife technique on the avocado pit is to *twist* the knife once it’s in the pit. This will free the pit from being stuck and it will come out much much easier. Also, don’t go get one of those “avocado scooper” things - I have one that I never use because it doesn’t remove the pit, takes longer to