500 Days of Kittens

So many of my comments in real life and here and elsewhere on the web boil down to “Jesus, look at this fucking asshole right here”, and I mean to one day change that and cleanse myself of this all-consuming hatred, but Jesus, look at this asshole right here.

Good idea.

This liberal bias is exactly why I canceled my subscription to Deadspin. I just read all the words in the articles and comment sometimes.

If you’re so firmly conservative that your mind goes immediately to “ESPN’s liberal agenda is killing them!”, you are likely a strong supporter of Fox News. If you have Fox News, you have cable. And if you have cable...you’re paying ESPN like $80 a year even if you never touch the channel.

Before choosing to watch my favorite team on television, I, like most sports fans, apply a strict political litmus test on the ideological philosophy of the network broadcasting the game.

Too late, the noxious meme has been pumped into the dead-ender closed-loop ecosystem, where it will linger until the heat death of the universe. It is now beyond our reach, and it’s our job to recognize that arguing with your uncle or your redneck high school classmate about it on Facebook is wasted time in its purest

It feels like every other night I’m lying on my couch by 6:30 with wine, a blanket and parks and rec reruns because that just sounds nicer than the real world.

Can’t tell, are you making a trickle-down economics argument? Because sure, decreasing taxes for the wealthy might increase investment, but decreasing taxes for the middle and lower classes increases spending, and increasing spending is a far more effective and direct method for spurring the economy.

At a rat fuva pat.

It actually looks really straightforward. Other than the “tph” cluster, the entire name just alternates consonants and vowels.

Attarat Poovapat! Attarat Poovapat!” Now you try- it’s fun!

It takes me longer to say his name than for him to save his bike.

This makes me sad. Just further proof that BMW cares less and less about being the Ultimate Driving Machine.

This is the same deal as with encryption. Create a backdoor/emergency shutoff ostensibly for ‘security’ purposes and then it’s available for anyone in authority to use whenever they choose.

Well here’s the thing that the average American doesn’t realize. We are not fighting a country, an army or even a group of rebels. We are fighting an idea, a belief. Those are damn near impossible to eradicate. The best but most costly and time consuming ways would be to try and rebuild the countries. All these

What’s most crazy to me about these speedrunners is not that they are able to accomplish these insane feats, but that they are able to do it while simultaneously talking to their chat about the merits of McDonalds v Taco Bell. If I am playing a game for fun I have a hard time talking to anyone else in the room without

Honestly, I think that EVERY parent should have a talk about firearm safety, whether they own guns or not. With guns being so prevalent, you never know when your child may come into contact with one. I have quite a few guns at my house and a child, and I teach my son gun safety all the time, even with his toy nerf

Is everyone forgetting that the *Republicans* could have passed this without a single Democrat getting on board, and didn’t? Why is anyone playing into the narrative that the Democrats were the problem.

No, parties are where you stand around eyeing the cheese and wondering whether people are judging you for reaching out to grab some for like the fifth time in a couple minutes, while you finish your glass of white wine.