500 Days of Kittens

I have wondered that! So just under $20 million? Got it.

I’m getting really fucking tired of living in a world with so many bad guys that we have to let some of them win, just to keep the worst at bay.

Letter sent. Reps called. Thank you for the link.

I’m a white dude, so my opinion here comes from that place of privilege, but I think there’s room for both. You can feel great, and others can be critical. Seeing that other point of view has been educational for me, so I’ve appreciated it and tried to own how the criticisms apply to me, but it hasn’t made me feel

Fantastically written.


I don’t know what’s in the box, but I know what I’d gift her:

How does this work in terms of the fiscal year? Asking for a friend.

2,944 kids ages 0-17 injured or killed by guns in 2016.

Confirmed. Sitting in a car or not, never just jerk off into the house.

This take is based on positivity, sharing and fun. Don’t poison it!

Digging your woodsy view Burneko. Happy Friday from Cali.

“It could be, in part, that the event is seen as an event for female bonding and men—for the first time in history—are hesitant to intrude.”

I wanna be like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Is there a HamNo piece on how masturbatory award shows are? I could really use one right now. Cause this shit is just... ugh.

Happy New Year Jez. Y’all are great.

Happy New Year, Deadspin. Y’all are great.

Thanks Jason! Really enjoyed your take on these questions.

I can’t tell if this is a good hill to die on, or a trap. On one hand, free speech and congressional transparency sound like very sellable issues; on the other, Ryan would probably love to slap some complicated security-letter type beauracracy on it in the name of National Security, that rallies the base and makes our