They might.
They might.
Oh good you got my email.
I love the registry. I’ve used Windows as my primary OS ever since I couldn’t get the newly released OS/2 to work on my 286. So the registry helped form my understanding of programming resource management more than anything else did; and at my especially vulnerable pre-teen age.
I think this is the right perspective to have once healed post-election. We all take our own time getting there - you got there before me; somebody got there before you; somebody will get there next - but we’re better off really listening - trying to understand the socio-economic underpinnings of this racism/sexism…
Agreed. Beating off 10lbs is god damn exhausting.
Should we all tweet this at him? I kinda want all of us to tweet this at him. Beat him with this stuff like a dead horse-shaped cheeto.
I’ll say fuck this mom, but I’d rather send the kid something positive and supportive. Is there any way we can help? A legal defense fund, or somewhere we can leave supportive messages?
I would also like to know. Ashley, any help you can offer would be much appreciated, and thank you!
I once supported a user who had such bad dandruff that we had to swap out his keyboard twice a year.
The ball has to go over the upright or through the posts. Since it didn’t go over (bounced off the top) and didn’t go through (bounced back onto the field), no good.
I feel like this article is my amorphous reaction to the Pixel fully realized, with much better words in a much better order. Good stuff. Thanks Eric.
I say we burn it all down.
Quick question: was there any semen on her dress?
I can’t speak for others, but I’d love to see Kinja Deals posts from you on how the sausage is made. Advertising algorithms, your research and selection methods, how our data gets used, what defines “target audience” and “critical mass” etc
I can’t speak for others, but I’d love to see Kinja Deals posts from you on how the sausage is made. Advertising…
Sometimes deals seem to come out of nowhere, but it just occurred to me that with all the data available to advertisers, it’d be easy to see when a critical mass of people are searching for something. If you have a related product, throw it up for a few bucks off to get that first purchase, and start building brand…
Sometimes deals seem to come out of nowhere, but it just occurred to me that with all the data available to…
You’re very good at jokes.
I have all my private conversations while mic’d up too. I use the one the gym issues me in the locker room even though the rental fee is atrocious.
I recommend caution here, because while I have no real proof, I bet a lot of YouTube personalities have more (and increasingly more) in common with overly produced studios than is apparent. Especially for, but not limited to, sponsored content.