“While members of the Black Hebrew Israelites have been known to express anti-Semitic views, they are also explicitly nonviolent.”
“While members of the Black Hebrew Israelites have been known to express anti-Semitic views, they are also explicitly nonviolent.”
No one seemed to care when they were on the news yelling racist stuff at the kids from Covington. Hopefully there is more notice to this and it isn’t brushed off by this site because black people were involved. I already see a few comments somehow blaming Trump and white people because they think this group didn’t…
The headline should be
I wonder which regular commenters on The Root they were?
C’mon The Root
So you claim to be for policies that benefit POC right? Why do you stand for corporate centrist military industrialist pro war-for-oil no universal healthcare candidates? The cognitive dissonance it must take boggles my mind.
Somewhere Smollett is cackling away over a glass of Sauvignon Blanc.
Looking forward to 17 more Cybertruck posts this weekend. Funny how you guys can’t stop writing about something you dislike so strongly.
He’s not wrong.
This is deliciously ironic since The Root is about to be canceled very soon.
this argument seems to be conflating cancel culture outcomes with cancel culture existence. all it takes is belief and people believe it exists. cancel culture has a name, has a form that people react to, has outcomes. Isn’t that existence?
You’re basing your opinion on a dramatic work of fiction? Ok then...
It’s not clear to those who watch CNN what John Durham will be looking into but to the rest of us, we already know that John has been speaking with key witnesses, reviewing documentation and traveling to specific sites around the globe with A.G. Barr to uncover the origins of the Mueller investigation. What will…
Never happened.
You’re 100% right. They shouldn’t have done anything since they are also benefiting from it. The kid should have stayed in the hospital and not gotten any help whatsoever since Shaq and Papa Johns will also benefit from it. It has to be all or nothing. No middle ground. If PJ and Shaq aren’t going to cover bills for…
Whenever I read about a problem that can only be solved by higher taxation, I immediately understand there is no real problem, just an attempted money-grab.
don’t forget, you get to work from home while complaining about the high cost of living in a city!
Blogging: A career where you can collect revenue by voicing the moral high-ground stance, while also collecting revenue through advertising the very thing you are against.