500 Days of Alexandria

Only in America could they become billionaires and then bitch about it. And wait...aren’t billionaires evil? According to the Democrats billionaires shouldn’t be allowed to have that much money and you’re praising them? Better brush up on following the party line there comrade...

They are so oppressed.

Did it trigger your virtue-signaling bone?

“im not gonna support the NFL’s treatment of Kaepernick by sitting during the anthem, but i will support it by paying thousands for these tickets.” WTF kind of logic is that???? 

Of course they didn’t stand. They had to make it so folks would talk about THEM.

The native is literally a professional protester who sought out a confrontation after his earlier march that day attracted no media coverage. The demonstration he was part of was to group up at one of the soccer fields, nearly a half mile from the Lincoln memorial at the exact time of this encounter.

 So the group that murders Jews in New Jersey in December is less hated on these sites than some 17 year old kid.  Never change GMG.  

Up north you have Boko Haram.

Not really just Americans. Jewish people and communities have long been targets in tons of places.

Moore is the equivalent of country club republicans from 1974 who still think their party is the same party they grew up in.  Republicans now are the party of the working people.  Moore grew up when democrats were.  Democrats are now the elitists and rich people party.  There are people who do not want to admit it,

Just what we need. Naked vengeful gods.

So you mention surgery for a vocal cord, but don’t think it’s relevant *at all* to mention her being in constant pain from a botch reassignment surgery in Thailand... including tweeting about it right before her death?

Or it is possible it is another fake hate crime committed by a POC

I find it interesting that Michael’s argument breaks down basically to, “Racism is human nature, all people are racist, but white people’s racism is somehow different and worse because they built civilizations”. Um, okay? Are white people not human, prone to the same exact human nature that dictates all other human

Thank you as always for confirming a long held suspicion about the human condition; that everyone, regardless of race creed or color, are piles of fucking wasteful shit. Why should I try to be a better person when the most downtrodden and underprivileged individuals in our society are just as mean-spirited and bigoted

Imagine being stupid enough to buy into cancel culture

Delete this post as well. Keep chirpin garbage. Dwell in the past

Let’s cancel any smarmy internet blog writer who tells the internet they should cancel anyone or anything.

Profits from sales of these sneakers go to BLM friendly charities, right? I mean, hey good for Colin that he can still make a living after taking a stand. But, is this really the end result? Commercializing rebellion? Has he said anything publicly about Nike’s track record of exploiting people of color in their

Since this whole thing started, Trump’s approval numbers have gone up six points, support for impeachment is down six points. This is going to put a significant number of vulnerable freshman Dems- and therefore control of the House- in jeopardy in 2020.