500 Days of Alexandria

Lol what? The current issue in HK isn’t very complicated...China wants extradition but HK people feel that violates their sovereignty. Chinese government responded to peaceful protests with brutal crackdown.

Don’t you understand?

Forgive LeBron. He meant to say “reeducation.”

A fair criticism. Unfortunately it leaves out a line:

The Chinese government is not naive. It requires silence on Chinese political choices from its business partners as though they were Chinese citizens, and the NBA has offered just that.

 He's only progressive for the elite ballplayer, college or pro. I've never heard him say anything in support of marginal players. He has been catered to since the 8th grade, it's like he's forgotten the struggle with life. 

Why though? Standing up for democracy is just about the easiest and most basic statement you can take in a free society. LeBron was not in the slightest danger and he simple caved to a government that would never have allowed him to become LeBron James if they had their way. It is extremely disappointing and cowardly

shocking that someone employing an MLK quote on social media did not actually mean it

I do believe that Biden’s son receiving $50,000 every month to serve on the board of a Ukrainian energy company is ethically wrong. Not to mention the fact that during this time Joe Biden was overseeing the U.S. Governments’ policy in that country. I think it is perfectly acceptable, and in my opinion obligatory, for

It really just reveals his other “activism” as completely empty and self-serving, easy PR that he wants to point to constantly. The guy doesn’t believe in anything except a bigger paycheck and certainly is not educated enough on any issues to even request that he speak on them, yet here we are

Lebron lecturing Daryl Morey about not being educated on any subject is just...you couldnt make this stuff up

I understand the players are caught between a rock and a hard place. But this has to be one of the most craven capitulations to money I have ever seen by a major athlete. Should have kept quiet. His rationale is bullshit.

He’s nothing more than a PR-created hypocrite and coward

This is just fucking gross. Thats really all I can say about it.

♫ ‘Cause I like my LBs waiver wired... ♪

Armchair anarchists are the WORST.

I have no idea what any of these words mean