
“We’re celebrating black freedom by trying to free YOU from a big down payment! Get yourself into a 2021 Mitsubishi Eclipse for no money down!”

You’re right. I should have somehow magically ascertained that you are a lawyer in the state of Florida. I apologize for not recognizing that immediately. You are the real victim here.

Recording and one party/two party consent laws are a bit more complicated than that. Many states differentiate between telephone, in person, and video recording. Many that are two-party consent states have exceptions when one of the parties is threatening violence.

...describes herself as a “hybrid” of Sarah Palin and disgraced Representative Matt Gaetz.

Of course my experience is far from complete but my poodle gone but not forgotten knew some of the things I said to him, like to fetch his dish, let’s go for a walk and such stuff. It was a delight to see him bringing his dish and putting it in my hand. And he tapped my leg with his paw whenever he wanted some of

My guess was “Ted Cruz.”

He mentioned in his giant thread that he told his daughter no one in the house would eat *anything* until she figured out how to open the beans with no instruction more helpful than to imagine what the designer of the can opener was thinking.

Just going to preface this by saying that nothing in my original comment suggested that I thought this child was dying of starvation, and that your argument is disingenuous because it’s a counterpoint to a point that no one is making.

are we thinking she was literally starving to death for six hours. her only hope was in this can of beans. her father laughing at her as she wasted away to nothing?

I Stand With Bean Daughter

The new year is off to a pretty solid start—unless, of course, you are the nine-year-old child of Bean Dad, nee John

Just can’t get my head around “Revoke your wish!” as the center of a CHRISTMAS MOVIE. This is the hero move? To utilize a military-powered takeover of all worldwide communications to convince everyone to stop wishing for things?

A native English speaker who just as often speaks in a normal American accent doesn’t go to “How do you sayeee in Eeenglish ... cookumber?” by accident. That’s not “dialect.” It’s a mockery of an immigrant accent, used cynically by a professional influencer for clicks.

Max’s powers after he became the stone was not explained properly and a lot of people who are not comic book fans were really confused as to why Barbara became a cat. They’re not even calling her Cheetah.

As someone not into these superhero movies and understanding what is “normal”, it took me awhile to realize that her struggling against those armored cars in Egypt was supposed to be because she’s having problem from trading her powers and not just because they have armored cars and guns and she’s running on foot

No, her family isn't Spanish. They are all New England WASPS.

Her family is not Spanish and moved to Spain to retire. The fact that she gave another impression tells you all you need to know.

The whole mythology came off muddy. I didn’t understand until late that the human “wishing stone” had the power to take away people’s attributes, or how anyone knew what those would be. Why it would bring Steve back to life as a body snatcher made no sense and seemed like a way to make a single “parachute pants” joke

Well, no. Vacationing in Mallorca with your rich American family does not make a Massachusetts prep school graduate named Hillary into someone who would say “How do you sayee in eengleesh ‘coocumber?’” It’s not like visiting your relatives in Georgia and coming back saying “ya’ll” for a week.