
It seems very unlikely Heinlein thought McCarthy went too far until most Americans did. McCarthyism essentially died when McCarthy got censured by the Senate in 1954. Heinlein wrote Starship Troopers in 1959, and it’s, if anything, to the right of McCarthy.

its incredibly unfair for some foreign government to waltz right in and just take someone else’s property.

Take a look at the spectrum of political organization and diversity of opinions is all the developed nations of the world. Find an equivalent to today’s GOP - Israel, Hungary, and Brazil are about the only democratic options (and I’ll use democracy loosely when considering Israel and Hungary).

the idea that the mainstream media can’t be trusted to accurately report on this disaster, that the government is dragging its feet for a reason

There are ways for journalistic outlets to independently verify measurements taken by companies and federal agencies of the levels of contaminants in air, soil, and water, and I have no doubt that serious investigative outlets on the ground are going about setting those up now.

Yeah - if you think “the left” is in charge of the country right now I don’t know what to tell you.

What a rambling mess of an article... You spend much of the writing criticizing “the right” for bringing attention to and questioning the coverage of this disaster instead of lauding it for keeping attention on the environmental mess (Which it seems you would want...) while the in power “left” isn’t being visable

my induction cooktop gets better sears on meat than i ever got on my old gas range. and it boils water almost instantly. i don’t have a strong opinion about gas stoves being banned, but i find it ridiculous that people are saying that all electric stovetops are trash. 

Cast iron cookware works great on induction.

No they won’t. Induction is better in almost every way, it’s faster to heat/cool, gets hotter, safer, more consistent, doesn’t turn your kitchen into an oven. The main thing it doesn’t do is provide actual fire, so things like charring peppers you can’t just do on the open flame.

I think a lot of people that hate electric ranges cooked on some awful coil stove in their first apartment in/after college and think all electric stoves are like that. Old electric stoves, even old flat top electrics, were pretty bad. Modern induction stoves are awesome. Boiling water in less than 2 minutes is great.

When Seattle had their primary boom not long ago, there was a major issue with foreign businesses literally just buying houses with cash, sitting on them for 6 months to a year, and then re-selling them. The city tried to pass laws that required some level of residence, but they all got shot down in court while I was

I see you too like to live dangerously. This goes beyond having a vent. The lines themselves continuously emit dangerous pollutants that you cant see or smell. This is a greater concern than you give it credit for.

California is banning gas stoves in new-build housing. It’s actually a good thing. 

The US produces 34 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. It imports about 2.8 trillion. We exported 6.7 trillion cubic feet, so only about 10% of our natural gas usage is from imports. I just wanted to clear that up since your post makes it sound like we are using massive amounts of imported gas.

It appears there’s a growing concern about how dangerous natural gas is. It seams like every month the news reports on another house explosion. There’s also the environment impact of the USA importing so much natural gas In 2021, “about 99% of U.S. total annual natural gas imports were from Canada and nearly all by

Ok, having only ever cooked over gas or electric resistance (or an open fire when out camping, many years ago), I admittedly don’t know much about induction.

I’d heard that you need specific kinds of cookware to cook on induction, though? Can you use aluminum cookware, or does it have to contain iron in order to cook

We replaced a gas stove with electric semi-recently, and so far the experience has been perfectly fine. The oven part is obviously no different to use in and of itself, so the learning curve is with the cooktop. That’s also been relatively easy to get used to - the only major difference is that the burners respond to

At what point does maximum range not matter?

Maybe it’s just me, but “without any significant styling updates” is not quite true.