
Why is he driving a right-hand-drive car in NY. Looks like a Passat?

Extortion by threat of false accusation of a criminal act is a crime in some states. Even if it weren’t specifically, extortion might fit in other jurisdictions.

Well put. Colony always seems to be going somewhere, and getting somewhere, while avoiding spinning out the big arc too quickly. The payoffs are solid, like Katie and Broussard rescuing the kids and Will’s orange soda escape. It’s one of those shows that seems better than it ought to be. And the underlying

So cool to hit the ground at the end doing like 9 mph just “walking.”

It is reversed in London. Presumably by that logic. Do it wrong in a tube station at your peril.

Not what I see. She leaves him hanging and then shoves the coach in the back. His hand was where the high five was supposed to be. And it looks like her teammates let her know she was in the wrong.

But he’s read books! Books he read as a college freshman! Books by Ayn Rand, the VERY serious philosopher and sociopolitical thinker who saw the world as being divided into “geniuses and parasites.”

We quit after the “Who will Negan brutally slaughter with a bat?!” cliffhanger. Just didn’t find it “entertaining” to see a helpless character executed. DVRd the premier but just didn’t want to see it.

Seen on Twitter: “Coming soon to a collapsing democracy near you.”

It may too often be true, but that hasn’t always been the way and isn’t always the way everywhere even now.

Italian Greyhounds! Sweet little lunatics, our guys.


Daphne and Titus cruising in the VW Sportwagen TDI before we turned it in.

ADW generally contemplates use of anything in a way that could cause severe harm.

Manual. Boost. Controller.

Ben “Stig” Collins has a piece out there somewhere from last year where he drives most of the GTI generations on video (with the questionable addition of period correct facial hair for each gen).

It does seem a little circular. Sure, you could speculate that reality was “made,” but doesn’t that just boil down to the fact we don’t know exactly how our universe began?

Is this like a new cult among professional basketball players?

Simple suspension tweaks seem to do a lot, especially if you lack the time / money / expertise to do anything to the drivetrain.