
I bought a stand mister for $18 on Amazon (not a Kinja deal, sorry!) to attach to my garden hose. It uses about 1/6th a gallon/hour, which is almost nothing compared to brushing teeth or showering, and makes sitting under an umbrella at a picnic table very bearable. Combine that with a small fan if you need it and

I know it’s a huge pain, but when we bought our “forever unless we win the lottery” house, I bought a 30 year bound calendar we keep on the kitchen stand. I bought 10 year alarms cheap-ish in a bulk pack and put them in almost every room and wrote in the calendar when to change them. I also put in furnace filter

My 2009 Kia Sportage with the 4 cylinder. When you start with nothing that means it has TONS of potential.

Be very careful with the removable paper tray on the Brother printer. It has a crazy-designed spring that moves the paper stack up as it gets depleted. If you aren’t very careful, the spring (which is exposed at the underside of the tray) can come out and you’ll never get it back in. I went 8 rounds d back and forth

Be very careful with the removable paper tray on the Brother printer. It has a crazy-designed spring that moves the

I’d love any other interviewing tips you have! I have many first-time interviewees for community college admissions or job interviews and any learning experience tips you have would be very helpful!

Thank you very much!

Shop question: I’m a HS teacher who has students interested in journalism. They know what J-schools tell them are important skills. What do you think are the best skills you’ve learned on the job that you didn’t learn in a traditional journalism program?

By playing “Twinkle Twinkle”. I’ll explain.

Agreed. I have my grandma’s old large measuring cup from 40+ years ago and I swear it could stop a bullet. I bought a smaller one in a sealed box from a big box store a few years ago under the Pyrex name for making hot marinades for smoking. It EXPLODED after I poured near-boiling chicken stock in it when the vessel

Agreed. I have my grandma’s old large measuring cup from 40+ years ago and I swear it could stop a bullet. I bought

Since you grew up in Naples, do you remember Trixie’s sandwich place right across from the tennis courts and the rec center in Old Naples? My folks have a condo by the Cove Inn and my then-girlfriend, now wife, were walking in front of Trixie’s. A guy came out in stained, torn, ratty board shorts and a grey t-shirt

I don’t know why I never thought to do that. Could you use aluminum foil to prevent possibly melting the plastic wrap or would that turn the pot into an oven?

Or the perfect reason to go get yourself a blowtorch!

I forget where I saw this but attribution belongs to whoever that person was. It went something like this...

No, they don’t wear neck badges but the gate agents know who they are. Whenever you hear an announcement after everyone has boarded (or just after the “elite” classes have boarded for “standby passenger 4thdeskonright”, those are mostly non-revs.

Alternate source: Mom was an American VP and I’ve flown standby non-rev for 25 years. I’ve been stranded in departure lounges more than I’d care to admit and all the while done so in a shirt/tie/polo and slacks while everyone else is wearing a neck pillow, PJs, and a thong sticking out their VS PINK sweats.

I’ve flown as a D2 and D3 on American for 25 years. The dress code rules are clearly laid out. They were when I flew with the red carbon copy tickets, they were on jetnet, and they are now. They girls didn’t follow the rules and got called on it. This is a non-story and all non-revs hope this doesn’t give the airlines

I have it and can’t recommend it enough. The app is really pretty good and I’ve easily saved a ton of money. It looks totally unobtrusive in my boring-ass house. Since the thermostat is in my living room I need unobtrusive. I really liked this buy.

I have it and can’t recommend it enough. The app is really pretty good and I’ve easily saved a ton of money. It

2009 Kia Sportage - Added an iPhone charger for the cigarette lighter.

My first day ever teaching high school. I was standing on a desk + 7 US History textbooks trying to hang a flag from a hook on the ceiling. I get the flag hooked up and step down onto the chair...and rip the entire inseam out of the left leg of my pants. It’s 3 minutes until the warning bell and I’ve got the entire

I have that Crescent tool set that my grandfather bought 15 years ago. They haven’t changed the set and it’s remarkably good. Nice and flat, has everything you need, good quality tools. It’s perfect for a car’s spare compartment.

I have that Crescent tool set that my grandfather bought 15 years ago. They haven’t changed the set and it’s